00:04:187 (1) - more emphasis on this. needs to stand out cause it starts the chorus. also make 00:03:687 (5,6) - jump smaller, gives better contrast
00:13:687 (3,4) - this is fine but it doesnt give the jump to 00:14:021 (1,2,3) - much intensity. maybe move 4 to the left of 3
00:32:187 (1) - this slider's a bit fast for opening this calmer part. maybe make it as slow as 00:33:187 (3) -
00:37:187 (4,5) - 00:38:187 (4,5) - emphasis on these jumps seems counterintuitive. you could stick to just emphasizing 00:37:854 (1,2) to support the vocals
00:44:187 (3,4) - sliders here feel out of place. replace them with jumps. if you wanna stick to sliders though replace 00:46:187 (1,2,1,2) - with sliders
Increasing the spacing between 00:51:687 (7,1) instead of starting from 00:52:521 (1) better expresses the natural buildup from the cymbal.
00:53:854 (1,2) - make this jump bigger (optionally also shorten 00:54:187 (4,5) - ) to support vocals
00:57:076 (1) - more nitpicking but 1/6 slider here technically isnt supported (1/8 pls :3)
01:07:937 (1,2,3,4) - being extremely nitpicky here but messy visuals on burst here doesnt fit with the calm guitar. ctrl shift f a slider pls :3
01:36:187 (1,1,1) - guitars are pretty growly and intense here. maybe use red anchor sliders (like the first section) instead for representation
01:53:187 (1,2,3) - 01:55:187 (1,2,3) - these bursts definitely should be bigger. also you shouldn't use these 01:54:354 (3) - 01:56:354 (3) - slow sliders, they feel out of place because they aren't supported by the music. implement the start and stop flow in another way
02:12:354 (3) vs 01:54:354 (3) - Instead of using the same pattern, using a 1/4 slider on 02:12:354 (3) could better express the guitar sound.