mapped by Vliz
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 13 September 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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Mainly try and fix the overlaps and the spacings i would say outside that its good i think?


fixed, thanks for your mod, i understand a lot about mapping coz of u :D


Kiai in the map is the same as it was more calmer sound in which song has it 01:38:245 - calm same spacing 02:07:602 - kiai which is the same spacing as it was in the calmers songs sound could just make it so calmer has less spacing and kiai has more according to the songs intensity


i see, i will try to fix the spacing based on the songs intensity


done i think, ill adjust it again later

Marked as resolved by Vliz

slider velocity usage in this whole map is inconsistent with the song's intensity.

Take a example of 00:07:602 & 00:21:316 . Those timestamps have a same intensity and you decided to put 2.0x in 00:07:602 and reduced to 1.5x in 00:21:316 -. Additionally, 00:52:173 & 00:07:602. The chorus (or kiai) is obviously more intense in intensity than the verse. But you decided to put 2.0x to them which makes inconsistent with the map

I suggest to put the sv based on song intensity in order to represent the song nicely, for example :
(Base SV 1.7x-1.8x)
00:00:745 - 1.1x
00:07:602 - 1.0x
00:52:173 - 1.1x
01:23:030 - 1.0x
01:36:745 - 0.8x or lower
01:43:602 - 1.0x


i get it, ive also seen other players (in lazer multiplayer) often sliderbreak on the kiai section lol.
okay, i will try changing the SV based on your suggestions


i put sv on kiai of 1.2x and 1.3x (on the last kiai), if this is not allowed by BN, I will nerf it again XD

Marked as resolved by Vliz

the playfield usage could be expanded more in order to give a wide place to make more interesting pattern. Right now you strictly yourself to make an interesting pattern because you keep centering when you map. I suggest to fill the corner of the border in order to not make the playfield cramped.


here's the perfect example owo


ok, i have changed some of the patterns and widened them, next time i will change them again when i have a new good pattern

Marked as resolved by Vliz

Slider velocity feels very high and jarring in certain sections and probably shouldn't go that far past 1.5x (2x max, maybe in the Kiai it can go over a little to 2.5). A good example would be at 00:45:530, slider velocity doubles at this section even though there is no noticeable difference in the song to promote such a massive change.


done, now max slider velocity is x2,5

Marked as resolved by Vliz

Very nice beatmap. I see a lot of fundamental skills developed and I see alot of really cool patterns here. My advice would be to try to avoid overmapping (as seen semi-frequently with the 1/4th bursts and stacks) and to try and make the map more consistent. One thing I did not really touch on was that the difficulty should also feel more dynamic and non-linear: tl;dr, kiai's (or the "drops" of a song) should be mapped with greater spacing than non-kiais, as currently the difficulty feels pretty similar.


Oh, I get it (if I’m not mistaken), I should place the hard parts in the kiai section or the "drops" of a song, right? Okay, I’ll fix that.

btw, my intention was to make an extra diff map (>5,5⭐) that’s why I put a lot of bursts, stacks and fast slider, but because the BPM is too low, it didn’t reach xD

Thanks for the mod :D
