Metadata :
Artist :ぺぽよ feat. 初音ミク
Romanised Artist : PEPOYO feat. Hatsune Miku
Title : らくらく安楽死
Romanised Title : Easy peasy euthanasia
Source : 『』
uh for this u need to put it in the title since u have it like this right now
Also the title is wrong since after the melody note it says hatsune miku
So use this
Artist: ぺぽよ feat. 初音ミク
Romanized artist: PEPOYO feat. Hatsune Miku
Romanized title u can either use Rakuraku annrakushi or Easy peasy euthanasia but the one u dont use u should put it in your tag for metadata
"Feeling like I'm back, man
Fighting like my last chance
It's Gotham city, you can go and call me batman
I roam the nights, saving hoes that are enemies
Louie, you better knock a pair
Fuck with your consistency"