#4719232 (no kd)
NC mods 01:57:744 (1) - remove 01:58:760 (5) - add 02:00:794 (5) - add 02:02:828 (5) - add 02:04:862 (5) - add 02:06:896 (5) - add 02:08:930 (5) - add 02:09:947 (15) - add
added all ncs but didn't remove the one at 01:57:574 (1) - as i consider it a lead-in bar
Long periods without hit sounding. 01:57:574 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 03:12:136 -, (74.56 s). 01:40:095 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 01:55:699 -, (15.6 s).
wangwang pls re-apply hs copier :fat:
let me sleep