Easy By Me Normal By Me Hard By RuleBlazing Space By Me _______________________________________________________ etc. Hitsounds By Ainer SV By RuleBlazing Timing By C4P741N Storyboard By Initial D
I sincerely thank you. For everyone who supports this map This is the map I intend to make the most in my life. And in the future I will definitely make better maps.
i cant see the backround vid because of my skin overlay even tho i changed it toiii the normal skin and other skins like there is still the bar where the notes are coming
Maps like these is why I play rhythm games, slowly getting better so that when amazing maps like these drop, I can be skilled enough to have the honor of playing them. Loved Hard diff and Space diff is one of those diffs I'll be coming back to from time to time hoping I'm finally skilled enough to pass ^^
im glad you like it <33 but ''autumn fells like'' Someone is working on this project. And I will be a part of this project too. You can wait to follow owob