General advice:
You could use more of the screen, if you ctrol + A on all your diffs you will notice that mostly of the borders are left untouch, which is a waste of potencial.
Just in case you don't know (and because i used a lot in this feedback), if you want a rankable mapset you should follow the guidelines on the ranking criteria, which you can see here:
If you don't undestand what the ranking criteria is saying, i suggest you watch tutorials about how to make low diffs or even mapping in general, my recomedations are pishifat videos even if they are kinda old but Basensorex made a great video about normal diffs:
Now for the diffs in general:
Easy diff is kinda boring since its always a 1/1 rhythmn, since the BPM is below 180 (because its what the ranking criteria uses as reference) you can put some 1/2 to spicy more the map.
There's a problem of some sections that has to many sliders like 00:00:060 (1,2,3,1,2) to the point new players may find this boring too, you could mix some circles there for example: (although i think it could be better, rn its what i could come up for)
Normal diff feels the same as easy diff but now the repetition is what makes then boring and there's some slider sections that should be avoided, like: 00:38:060 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2)
Hard diff isn't really a hard diff because it should be a least 3*, you can add more this if you want.
If you didn't undestand a lot of what i sayed, then i really advice you to watch osu!mapping videos on youtube since i'm not the expert on explaning this kinda of details and tutorials should help you much better that what i could have
I did actually watch that pishifat vid to make the easy and normal diff. That was why I didn't vary from 1/1 rhythms much on those diffs lol. I didnt realise that that was advice meant for 180 bpm+ Will def remap that when I get the chance. As for the hard, I struggled reaching 3* without basically fully abandoning all distance snap, and making bursts feel unreasonable. I had a hard diff that was 3* earlier and another modder said it was too hard for a hard diff. I will try again. Thanks a ton for all the detailed feedback. I really appreciate it!