mapped by Kinpo
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 5 January 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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Saw that the entire map is on a 70% volume. I feel like some parts could be emphasized with changes. (I'm just gonna add the start and end points for the volumes so I don't have to input every single SV point.)

00:00:090 > 00:07:590 : 60%
00:07:590 > 00:15:090 : 80%
00:15:090 > 00:22:590 : 50% (To justify, it's because this section is a little softer with the music, so even though it's lower volume than the start, it should still work out. Also, to change this, might want to use Manage Beatmap, due to the sheer amount of SV changes at times.)
00:22:590 > 00:30:090 : 80%


i liked it, but from 00:15:090 to 00:22:590 being 50% i don't like it very much. i'll leave it at 50%, if i get a different opinion, i'll change it.

Marked as resolved by Kinpo

00:29:621 this note is a d on the kantan, futsuu, and muzukashii diffs, while on all other diffs, it's a k note. I think the k note works better, so I would suggest changing the note on the lower diffs for consistency,



Marked as resolved by Kinpo

sussy amogus
