mapped by Mordred
This beatmap was ranked on 13 December 2023!
nominated by nanoya and zekk
5 December 2024
Owner of difficulty The Silent Lament of Broken Wings changed to hehe, Luscent, and Mordred. (Liz Triangle)
13 December 2023
Issue #4076086 by MizuIro_H marked as resolved by enneya.
Discussion #4076086 by MizuIro_H lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #4076086 by MizuIro_H obtained enough votes for kudosu.
12 December 2023
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by zekk (osu!).
Nominated by nanoya (osu!).
11 December 2023
Issue #4071977 by nanoya marked as resolved by Mordred.
Discussion #4072076 by Testeron obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4072076 by Testeron marked as resolved by Mordred.
10 December 2023
Disqualified by nanoya. Reason: #4071977 (
2nd dq to fix sb ending credits. adding "naraicat" under design/art
Discussion #4070501 by zekk lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #4070501 by zekk obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4059631 by zekk lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #4059631 by zekk obtained enough votes for kudosu.
9 December 2023
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by nanoya (osu!).
Nominated by zekk (osu!).
Issue #4070501 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
Disqualified by zekk. Reason: #4070501 (
3 December 2023
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by zekk (osu!).
Discussion #4053015 by SaltyLucario lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #4053015 by SaltyLucario obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Nominated by nanoya (osu!).
Genre changed from Rock to Metal. (Mordred)
Issue #4059628 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
Issue #4059629 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
Issue #4053015 by SaltyLucario marked as resolved by Mordred.
Discussion #4053015 by SaltyLucario obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4059627 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
Issue #4059631 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
Issue #4051565 by Aidn marked as resolved by Mordred.
Discussion #4051565 by Aidn obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4059626 by zekk marked as resolved by Mordred.
27 November 2023
Issue #4051006 by Sheooogorath marked as resolved by Mordred.
Discussion #4051006 by Sheooogorath obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4050797 by ConsumerOfBean obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4050797 by ConsumerOfBean marked as resolved by Mordred.
Discussion #4050797 by ConsumerOfBean obtained enough votes for kudosu.
26 November 2023
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Mordred)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Rock. (Mordred)