mapped by -Ryu-
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 7 March 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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fields: all good ✅
suggestion for tags: for better searchability purposes, you can add production, animation, cartoon, ost, original soundtrack

in which...
production --- refer to "glitch productions" as a company itself
animation cartoon --- the thing that is aired lol
ost original soundtrack --- part of the series' soundtrack (it does play in the episode)

nothing much has to be added here since it's pretty simple so that's a plus!

audio: ❎

192kpbs with an overall rate of 16khz aprox. seems like a fake quality audio..
i'll try find a better audio for you!

od/hp: seems fine ✅
however you don't have to lower that much od/hp into easy/beginner difficulties
the difference is high in between these and normal going from 4 to straight 7

maybe stay to 6 or 6.5???

bg: ✅ good resolution and isn't heavy

there are some hitsound inconsistencies regarding the spread, i hope these are intentional! :(


all fixed but audio no.. It has been difficult to find better audio, If you can get better audio I would greatly appreciate it :D
