with the connection at 01:15:725 (75725|6,75725|5,75725|1,75725|3,75725|0,75892|3,76058|6,76058|2,76058|3,76058|0,76058|4) -
I only have the option to do a 5-note or a 3-note
or choose an approach thats like non-sym, which i would prefer not to
then the "mite ne" part being bracket is kind of like a compromise for the vocal cause i cant do a directional chord arrangement, that kinda messes with the sym previously
01:17:225 (77225|5,77225|0,77225|6,77225|1,77225|3) - from what i see
this sound here isn't the same as the strong sound where u mapped it with 5 notes
it's pretty noticeable too so I think I would be better if you remove at least 1-2 notes from this one