hi before mods Imma have a small check first
Artist: あやぽんず* & あよ / Romanised artist: ShinRa-Bansho
Artist: あやぽんず* & あよ it's Ayaponzu & Ayo - vocals which are completely different from romanised artist, also romanised one should be Shinra-Bansho however "R" upper case is accepted in other ranked maps so should be fine
Here's your artist in Kanji: 森羅万象
Title:無間嫉妬劇場『666』/ Romanized title: Mugen Shitto Gekijo "666" : good
Audio: 192 kbps, good
BG: Good res and size
Folder: no unused file, good
Tags: suggestion to add: ネタミ二ティ水橋 パルスィ SBCD-012 stage theme Ayaponzu Ayo kaztora & waoru Kororo Yakoh
which are album name, Mizuhashi Parsee name in Japanese, album's serial number. Romanised vocals as no longer mentioned in artist. Lastly are arrangement, lyrics, there're other contributors but I bellieve just 3 of these tags would be enough