the hitsounds overall are quite inconsistent throughout the map. this affects all diffs.
for whistles:
i see that you add whistles on a lot of the vocals, so why not keep it consistent throughout by adding them on every vocal?
general hs:
i can see that you are missing a lot of hitsounds and at the same time adding some on where there shouldnt be. i recommend you either look through the hitsounds again to fix it or you could try to get someone to redo the hitsounds for you.
Hello meta mod:
Artist: Nowlu
Rom. Artist:
Title: Stuck on you
Rom. Title:
Source: 夫婦以上、恋人未満
Tags: ノウル watanabe akari 渡辺 星 more than a married couple but less than lovers jpop pop j-pop japanese anime romcom romance harem fuufu ijou koibito miman Female vocal vocalist ed ending ccori Z5553
• Please add the background link into your beatmap description
Combo color 3 is way too bright, especially as this mapset uses the kiai feature. Imagine that flashbang as you're playing it...
If you want to keep it below the luminosity threshold while keeping a similar color, you can use 233,233,233 as combo color 3 while still keeping the general color of said combo color
Alternatively, you can just remove the kiai in general.
I am not quiet sure but perhaps you've changed combo color 1 instead of 3? I mean, combo 3 is still bright white which is super uncomfortable and uncommon at all. Highly suggesting you to either pick some grey tone or grey-blueish tone to fit the background?
e.g. Combo3 : 240,150,255
Yo, your timing right now is coming way too early. I'd highly suggest you to adjust the offset to -500 as the beat is currently on 25% speed really off the hitobjects.