Redownload before March 23th 2024
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The Psytrance Imperiumlist of question you might ask for this map:
Q: is the map finished?
A: Yes! this map finished
Q: how many BPMs?
A: pure 215 BPM, no 1/3 sections.
Q: is this map hard?
A: depends on your skill.
Q: how much this map cost?
A: this beatmap cost $899.
Q: why so many diffs?
A: it is same diff, just for cut section for your training
Q: Why there's only 1 diff now?
A: you can
click this link to download previous diffs for training
Q: can i FC this map?
A: yes you can, there is no stupid turbo sliders with reverse on this map. but it depends on your stamina skill also.
Q: Are you roasting tech maps?
A: no, i'm a psytrance mapper, psytrance needs more circle stream notes instead slider spamming notes. That's my preferences.
Q: Why raiden shogun as BG ?
A: because you need to defeat THE Eternity itself to conquer the world, that's it.
Q: how long i can survive this map?
A: i don't know, the ending probably was unexpected for you, so you can check ending first before play the whole map.
Q: is this map can be used in Tournaments?
A: yes you can use this map without getting my permission. I have plan to make this as OWC map, but i don't have any news about that so whatever...
Q: is this map open for modding?
A: YESSS! if you have findings post it on discussion tab