mapped by Ryu Sei
This beatmap was ranked on 2 August 2024!
nominated by Hugged and Maxus
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Original song
Actual Gameplay (Meta visible)

🟩 Metadata

  • Artist: Peaky P-key

  • Title: 恋心

  • Romanized: Koigokoro

  • Source: D4DJ Groovy Mix


#3803645 This is good but need a few extras:

Add n+2 scratch 14K2S Double Play jpop

Final Tags:

n+2 scratch 14K2S Double Play special s-key 14K+2 koi kokoro remix cover japanese video game electronic j-pop jpop 相川七瀬 Aikawa Nanase Elements Garden ピーキーピーキー 山手響子 Yamate Kyouko Kyoko 愛美 Aimi 犬寄しのぶ Inuyose Shinobu DJ クノイチ DJ Kunoichi 高木美佑 Takagi Miyu 笹子・ジェニファー・由香 Sasago Jennifer Yuka 小泉萌香 Koizumi Moeka 清水絵空 Shimizu Esora 倉知玲鳳 Kurachi Reo


Starting with HP5 feels too low even despite this being DP. How about doing 6->7->8 for the HP?

Is the OD intentionally 7 for every diff? Low OD for DP is fine, but maybe 6->6.5->7 would work better for the sake of progression

🟩 Timing
Offset sounds good. Note for 2nd is that the timing points at 01:37:660 and 02:04:679 are to readjust NC crashes.

🟩 Hitsounds

🟩 Background

🟩 Audio
128k is fine, not always straightforward to find great quality audio.


Constant OD is intended to emulate arcade feel. I think we can change this, but not sure about it. Should I?

HP and tags fixed, leaving open for OD discussion


Constant OD is technically fine. I'll leave open for 2nd tho


OK given by maxus

Marked as resolved by Hugged

There are no issues here, I just want to verify that having full hitsounds on the storyboard is intentional


It was very intended from top diff leftover

Marked as resolved by Ryu Sei

The gap from the beginning all the way to 00:32:495 between NM and HD sorta concerns me.

This entire mapset uses very comfy DP patterns, so I'm going to treat density as a decent proxy for playing difficulty, and the density gap is pretty large here. I understand it's a consequence of picking specific parts of the music to layer in, but it clashes with mania spread standards, so I'm gonna ask to rework NM and HD in this beginning section so that NM gets buffed and HD gets nerfed a little.


wait until the mods on other diff is done then I'll see what I can do


ok, now check and see if the buff/nerf is enough

Marked as resolved by Ryu Sei

I forgot that some scratches on hard kiai is adjusted because wysi notecount


Uninherited timing points should only be used when required for timing purposes. - RC

There are uninherited timing points at 01:37:660 and 02:04:679, and I don't really think they're for any timing purposes. Since the one at 01:37:660 toggles a kiai, that can be replaced with an inherited timing point and the final one should be removed.


These are used to reset Nightcore mod.

Marked as resolved by Ryu Sei