Hello! Your map recently passed loved voting, so here's a quick check to make sure everything's all set :D
Assuming this is the remastered version, which it sounds like it is, please use the following:
Title: 그것조차 거짓
Romanised Title: Another Lie
Used this for Tags: osu!catch World Cup 2023 CWC2023 GF GrandFinals Grand Finals HR2 HardRock2 Hard Rock Alternative Metal Rap 1999-2002 Truth 김진표 김영석 Jinpyo Kim Youngseok Remastering 마지막 편지...그것조차 거짓: 또다른 진심
Your Source should be blank, as album names are not included for this field.
This was the most definite information I found. It looks like they changed up how they titled it between original release and the remastered album, which led to some inconsistency in how it gets referred to online on third party sites.
final reference: https://noff.s-ul.eu/CdGTaZRs