[4K] Puppet Strings
Polumnia OmniaHOYO-MiX
mapped by B0nk0
last updated
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Setsuna Shoumetsu Cometh...



MikeyMichaelis - For their Beatmap of the Same Tittle.
audio and metadata was also taken/borrowed stolen from this map, sorry about that.

- Scaramouche - - For making suggestions on the map above, I may have followed them too.

midorijeon - For the provided hitsounds and keysounds.

This map is Heavily inspired by Qilin's Prance from SuzumeAyase.

BG Source - My Kamera.
Nahida being surrounded by Fish in my Teapot.

You can listen to The Unfathomable Sand Dunes on Spotify here.

Link to Piano Cover Reference by eternity303 - Polumnia Omnia「Scaramouche Boss Theme: Phase 2」

Changelogs Box

6/06/23: Beatmap is Uploaded

  1. This is uhh..... nothing. No changes, just uploaded.

7/18/23: Updated Beatmap

  1. Put sounds where sounds were not.
  2. Added some Voice Lines to the map.
  3. Not that big of an update but expect more stuff later.

8/12/23: First difficulty Done!

  1. Re-did (most) of the sounds for the Puppet Strings Difficulty so now sounds should not overpower the music.
  2. Added a new Picture/BG
  3. No more Voice Lines, I got rid of them.
  4. It should like 2 to 3 more difficulties, they should be easier.
  5. description is broken, probably the BG too.

11/9/23: Graveyard

  1. There are some changes that came with this "update" but who cares, they are unnoticeable.
  2. No more updates, no lower difficulties, everything has been scrapped.
  3. Why? I suck at mapping and even so, this map is terrible.
  4. If you plan on making a map with the audio, credit MikeyMichaelis.
  5. For the hitsounds, please credit midorijeon.
  6. I don't deserve any credit for this, so do as you please with this map.

Success Rate


Points of Failure


la cancion es buena