00:00:203 (203|1,203|3,203|2,369|3,369|2,369|0,536|2,536|3,536|1) -
建议配合 #3848097 一起看
00:01:369 (1369|0,1369|3,1369|1,1703|3,1703|1,1703|2,1869|0,1869|3,1869|2) - 这里的333LN还有一个问题是,割舍掉了本来的1/4 stream,这种stream转叠的段落感和割裂感很影响体验
所以最好有一个能保留1/4 stream的写法
00:01:703 (1703|2,1703|3) - isn't stronger than 00:01:869 (1869|0,1869|1) relatively so maybe u could delete ln on col4 to reveal it clearly
00:01:869 (1869|0,1869|1) - the real vocal sounds can be heard on 00:01:925 so think it needs to be adjust there to express accurate
00:02:324 (2324|1,2324|3) - If you follow the vocal, it's more nature to make it at 1/4 snap imo. (00:02:268). Seems that current one it too late
00:05:369 (5369|1,5369|0,5703|1,5703|3) - 这一段的很多double感觉都有点没必要,没有任何额外的音来支持。
其他的比如 00:16:036 (16036|0,16036|2,16369|0,16369|1) - 00:22:036 (22036|3,22036|0,22369|2,22369|1) -
00:12:369 (12369|0) - think this is inconsistent with other vocal expressions so need to delete this imo
00:22:453 (22453|3,22474|2,22536|1,22557|0) - 个人感觉这个grace有点过于保守了,实际的音要比这个1/16长不少。
00:22:557 (22557|1) - how about moving it on col 3 to make anchor? by following this proposal, this swing sounds will be able to be revealed more clearly
02:32:203 (152203|3,152224|2,152286|0,152307|1,152369|2,152390|0,152453|3,152536|0,152557|3,152619|1) - should follow this structure for consistency
00:22:869 (22869|1,22869|3,22869|0) - vs 00:23:036 (23036|2,23036|3,23057|0,23203|1,23203|0,23224|2) -
00:23:435 (23435|3,23456|1,23518|3,23601|0,23622|2,23685|0) - I think it's a little bit overmapped, it's just 2 loud synth here, so no need to use grace + anchor pattern imo.
Maybe sth like this should enough
00:22:956 (22956|2) - Maybe you use a grace to express the sound, but seems the minijack at 00:22:872 (22872|2,22956|2) - is somewhat unnecessary, you can make this one to col2 for a better visual and hand control.
00:23:101 (23101|3,23143|1,23185|2) - If you want to express that loud buzz sound, I think they should 1/8 earlier and start at 00:23:060
00:25:536 (25536|2,25786|0) - 00:30:869 (30869|1,31119|0) - 这些其实没必要弄个LN出来 比实际音长太多了 而且这些和00:25:619 (25619|3,26203|2,26286|1) - 其实是一样的
00:32:453 (32453|1,32536|1) - think this anchor break the consistency of stream so to be consistent, it'd better for ln on col2 to move to col1
00:32:703 (32703|2,32703|1) - 感觉没有必要dump出来两个LN
00:33:203 (33203|1,33203|3) - 按照之前的逻辑应该是一个note而不是两个
00:32:869 (32869|3,32953|1) - vs 00:33:203 (33203|1,33286|0) - 也有一致性问题
00:32:935 (32935|0) - Is it really necessary to just leave a 1/6 space with 00:33:435 (33435|0) - ? I think 1/4 is fine.
00:33:619 这里有音 你可能为了避免更多的连点就没有对 但是我觉得可以
因为你可以在四轨上放一个米 这样就和 00:33:786 (33786|0,33869|0) - 很近的地方对称了
A section that retains the triple used in the previous section and is transformed into a hand stream rather than a broken stream in its structure. However, the weight of the pattern remains too high, even though it is not the burst part of the song.
sol) With the idea of destroying consistency to some extent, I think that the length of the LN is changed to a double of the same length as 00:28:536 (28536|1,28536|3), and the small drum sound with a double, such as 00:35:869 (35869|0,35869|2), is changed to the most typical type of drum beat.
00:35:953 (35953|1,36036|1) - 00:36:453 (36453|1,36536|1) - 两次连点都在同一个轨道上面,这个其实是可以避免的 (00:38:869 (38869|1,38953|1,39119|2,39203|2) - 其实你这里就做得很好)
只需要 00:36:286 (36286|2,36286|1,36453|2,36453|1,36536|1) - Ctrl+H
00:36:453 (36453|2,36536|2) :
00:36:453 (36453|1,36453|2) - 这个双押显得十分overmap,而且在这种近乎反键的密度下放盾,游玩体验会很不好
00:37:185 (37185|0) - No sound here, also make the pattern mixed with the synth sound, which is a little bit messy to me, I think can be deleted.
00:37:518 (37518|3) - 00:38:851 (38851|0) - 00:38:851 (38851|0) - etc. Same. Until 00:42:435, I hope you can nerf the similar case like this.
In a word, I think you should drop some unnecessary note to make it more clear and don't mix everything together.
Similar with 02:43:768-
00:42:453 (42453|3,42536|2,42619|1,42703|0,42703|2,42786|2) - could change like for hand balance
00:47:869 (47869|1,47869|2,47953|0,48036|2,48036|3,48119|2,48203|1,48203|0,48286|0,48369|3,48369|2) - how about rearranging like for balance
00:43:286 (43286|1) - makes hard to play delay pattern imo cuz of the anchor so how about moving it to col3?
00:43:369 (43369|0,43369|3) - there's no sound that is worth arranging double so recommend deleting col1 to maintain roll pattern
( including all structures that looks like this ) 00:45:869 (45869|3) - can delete this to emphasize 6 snap drum imo
01:06:601 - The synth sudden stop here, so I think it will be nice if change 01:06:601 (66601|1) - to a normal note to express that sudden stop feeling.
think it'd better to change 01:16:536 (76536|2,76536|3,76536|1) and 03:25:869 (205869|1,205869|0,205869|2) to double cuz it's strength is weaker than 03:25:703 (205703|0,205703|1) and 01:16:369 (76369|3,76369|2)
01:17:536 (77536|1,77536|2) - can delete col3 cuz anchor on col2 can make emphasis about synth
01:17:953 (77953|2,77994|3,78036|2) - 01:20:619 (80619|1,80661|0,80703|1) - 01:25:953 (85953|1,85994|0,86036|1) -
360bpm切 真的太离谱 你可以为了一致性牺牲一点的 改成双押就好了
01:24:685 (84685|3,84768|3) - I can't see the reason to make here a minijack, maybe things like this is enough
01:27:369 - 这里开始的一段的一些想法
感觉所有爆发都放到4/8 5/8 6/8有点过于采音不够,尤其是在 4/8 6/8上已经有明显鼓点的情况下。
而且这里的重音逻辑应当和你前面的逻辑一致,即00:55:369 - 这一段的逻辑,三押更多用于表现合成的高音。
一个提议:采用更温和的1/6 dump,dump出来这种高音。
01:47:036 (107036|0,107036|1,107036|2) - 双押 这里没有三押的理由我认为 还是一致性的问题吧
01:48:369 (108369|3,108369|0,108369|1) - 这里只有一个重音 和之前不一样 没有必要整release了 所以我建议它们全部在 01:48:536 停止
01:48:703 - 这一段的一些想法
一个卡手排列的举例:01:48:703 (108703|1,108758|2,108814|1,108869|2,109036|2,109147|2,109258|0,109369|0,110203|1,110314|1,110369|0,110481|0) -
可以削弱的:01:49:092 (109092|0,109147|2,109203|1,109258|0,109314|3) -
01:50:425 (110425|2,110481|0,110536|1,110592|2,110647|0) -
01:52:425 (112425|2,112481|0,112536|1,112592|3,112647|2) - 等等
01:52:203 (112203|2,112258|3,112314|0,112369|1,112369|2,112425|3,112481|0,112536|1,112592|3,112647|2) - cuz this section is the end of vocal, what about arranging just 4 snap stream?
01:52:869 (112869|2,112869|3,113203|0,113203|2,113536|3,113536|0,113869|2,113869|1) - single 这里压力已经不小了,并且没有double的必要
01:53:786 (113786|0) - 这个移动到四轨道比较好,因为01:52:703 (112703|0,112786|0,113036|1,113119|1,113369|2,113453|2) - 一 二 三轨都已经有连点了
01:56:268 (116268|3) - According to you pattern in this part, 1/6 for vocal dump and double for snare and vocal, right? So I think here should have a double, also cuz the perious vocal already end at 01:56:101, so it's more proper to change 01:56:157 (116157|2,116213|1) - to 1/4 snap.
01:58:119 (118119|0) - 移动到 三轨 ,
01:58:203 (118203|1,118203|3) - 变成左手的单手双押到一二轨,
01:59:119 (119119|1) - 移动到一轨,
02:03:453 (123453|3) - 移动到二轨,
02:03:786 (123786|0) - 移动到四轨,
02:04:119 (124119|1) - 移动到三轨,
02:04:453 (124453|3) - 移动到一轨。
02:08:203 (128203|3,128203|2) - need to move to 02:08:286 cuz of the notes' sync issue and think 02:08:536 should have at least double ( my wish is to arrange triple ) cuz there's a drum sound that cannot be ignored so how about rearranging like
02:08:369 (128369|0,128425|1,128481|2,128536|3) - 应该为1/12 grace,同02:07:703
02:08:578 (128578|0,128619|1,128661|2,128703|3) - 不应当grace,同02:08:036
02:09:369 (129369|0,129397|1,129425|2,129453|3) - if u don't express synth on 02:09:369 to 02:09:869, it'd better to arrange just triple on 02:09:369 to reveal clear expression
02:32:956 (152956|0,153018|2) - Similar with 00:23:435 - the minijack here is somewhat unnecessary to me.
03:06:369 (186369|1,186369|0) - better to delete these cuz at this timestamp, synth is faint to listen
03:06:703 (186703|2,186703|3,186703|0,186703|1,186953|0,186953|3,186953|1,186953|2,187203|0,187203|3,187203|1,187203|2) - 强度明显不够四押,而且这里音阶变化是 低 高 高 (后两次高是相同的音阶),四押很难从play上体现出这种变化。
03:58:490 (238490|1,238546|2) - Maybe you can repattern this part a bit to avoid 03:58:268 (238268|1,238490|1) -
首先我认为这里04:18:703 (258703|3,258744|2,258786|1,258828|0) - 都是1/8而不是这么密 这里音明显拉得更长(当然这一点可能你这里写法不是按照我想的来的)
其次,这个部分04:19:203 (259203|0,259224|1,259244|2,259265|3) - 不是四押,而是和04:18:869 (258869|3,258890|2,258953|0,258974|1,259036|2,259057|3) - 一样的双押,只是背景有别的特殊音而已
所以如果是我,我愿意把04:19:203 (259203|0) - 变成LN,停止于04:19:369
04:28:869 (268869|0,268953|2,269203|2,269286|3) - inconsistent though they're same sound so think it'd better to arrange them to 4 snap ln like
04:39:369 (279369|2,279369|3) - dunno this double intention cuz here has very minor drum sound that can be arranged just to one ln so for this, how about deleting rice on col3?