mapped by -Joanne-
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 26 September 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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remapping this because i kinda rushed the current version


remap is done yippee


Spacing & SV didn't change in whole map, that's a big issue as map's Contrast and Movement
when the song in a calmer part you must give it a smaller spacing & slower sv to highlights chorus or the strong beats in the music vice versa, so you can see a map is reflecting the song's strengh in a good way.


remapped and fixed (except changing the sv, it'd be a pain redoing the sliders...)

Marked as resolved by re1zzzzze

this is still an issue

like 00:20:975 (4) - i suggest replace at here: x345 y325

00:21:661 (2) - replace to here: x250 y182


Reopened by YamYA

00:22:690 (1) - 、 00:23:375 (1) - .... suggest change Prev spacing : 2.x -> <1.5


The space used and pacing in patterns is like the same for whole song, that's a problem.
Since you using almost triangle jump for the main concept and patterning, then you need to use other things to make contrast between sections, and I think space & pacing is a easy solution.
For example, section start from 00:31:261 (1), the song is relatively calm, and section 00:42:232 (1) is even calmer, compared to section 00:09:318 (1). You could nerf space in previous two section mentioned.


remapped and fixed

Marked as resolved by re1zzzzze

there is the similar issue regarding #3770827 can't see your rhythm intensity has following the song in proper way, like your rhythm always in the same density so it can't show song's different strength in different parts.

the best explanation is althought 01:09:661 (1) - in kiai but music did goes down and you did corresponding treatment by using lower density of the rhythm, BUT 00:42:232 (1) - music is weaker than that part and it has higher density of the rhythm than it.


remapped and fixed

Marked as resolved by re1zzzzze

AR 9.3 to make different between this diff and insane
OD can be also higher as extra like above 9


fixed, is now ar9.3 od9.2

Marked as resolved by re1zzzzze

這個難度給人的感想,就是整首都在跳 無論是歌快的地方還是慢的地方 DS全部都差不多 給人整首都高潮的感覺,副歌跟整段也差不多。說白話點 一些比較緩的段落要NERF DS...至少要比副歌少


抱歉這個Top diff的GDer看不懂中文! ;w; 然後其實你提到的跟這條#3754149 是一模一樣的~ 只是他是用英文摸! 所以這條我先標已解決~

Marked as resolved by -Joanne-