mapped by itay
This beatmap was ranked on 8 October 2023!
nominated by tomatas95 and apollodw
8 October 2023
1 October 2023
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by apollodw (osu!).
Nominated by tomatas95 (osu!).
Discussion #3970252 by tomatas95 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3970252 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by tomatas95.
Issue #3970216 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by itay.
New problem #3970216 (
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmap…
) triggered a nomination reset. (BanchoBot)
5 September 2023
Nominated by apollodw (osu!).
31 August 2023
Issue #3913974 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
Issue #3913982 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3913982 by apollodw obtained enough votes for kudosu.
24 August 2023
Discussion #3758502 by apollodw obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3906075 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3906075 by tomatas95 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
23 August 2023
Issue #3758502 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
5 August 2023
Issue #3870201 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Issue #3870203 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3870203 by tomatas95 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3870197 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Issue #3870192 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3870200 by tomatas95 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3870200 by tomatas95 marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3870201 denied for kudosu.
3 June 2023
Discussion #3758501 by apollodw obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3758501 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3758498 by apollodw obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3758498 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
Discussion #3758500 by apollodw obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3758500 by apollodw marked as resolved by itay.
21 April 2023
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (itay)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Pop. (itay)