mapped by joestarrr69
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01:46:762 (1,2) - meowmeow rotation meow


Marked as resolved by joestarrr69

02:03:862 - 02:12:262

Rhythm choice in this section could be improved, you seem to be primarily actively following vocals, however there are times when vocals are left passively mapped like 02:04:762 - 02:05:962 - When other times you map these actively like 02:08:362 (4,5) -

You should try and be consistent with what you chose to follow actively or passively in rhythm, personally I like when you mapped the vocals all actively like 02:08:362 (4,5) -


02:12:262 (1,1) - could buff this spacing to better show the 1/1 gap bc how it is now could easily be missread as 1/2


02:51:712 - from this point onwards you could consider increasing the spacing/sv/both to reflect the shift in the intensity of the vocals.


sir yes sir

Marked as resolved by joestarrr69