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actually tasteful wish ppl used 1/6 like this morealso props for making the ending jumpscare even more of a jumpscare
I jujst wish i used less kkkdkkdddkdd oops
wonder how many people will be saying this abt their maps a year from now
😷I don’t appreciate finishers😷
omg koish
somehow less BS than the original, nice lol
(I can't believe that was almost 10 years ago...)
the title matches the song very well. 10/10 would mute again
finally hartmann hitting hard
insert trollface here
cool warmup (~﹃~)~zZ
cool map i suck at 1/6 tho 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cool map I suck at short Oni patterns tho x_x (but it's ok i'll get there eventually!!!!)
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