01:30:400 - 01:32:000 - 01:33:600 - 01:35:200 - 01:36:800 - 01:35:200 - 01:36:800 - 01:38:400 - 01:40:000 - 01:41:600 - 01:43:200 - 01:44:800 - 01:46:400 - 01:48:000 - 01:49:600 - 01:51:200 - 01:52:800 - 01:54:400 - 01:54:800 - 01:55:000 - 03:32:000 - 03:33:600 - 03:35:200 - 03:36:800 - 03:38:400 - 03:40:000 - 03:41:600 - 03:43:200 - 03:44:800 - 03:46:400 - 03:48:000 - 03:49:600 - 03:51:200 - 03:52:800 - 03:54:400 - 03:56:000 - clap
do NOT use finishes for the following claps as I noticed you did for a few of them, it's totally unnecessary
01:32:800- 01:40:400 - 03:32:400 - 03:31:200 - 03:34:400 - 03:35:600 - 03:38:800 - 03:40:800 - 03:42:000 - 03:45:200 - 03:47:200 - 03:48:400 - 03:51:600 - 03:53:600 - 03:54:800 - finish
You need at an Insane diff for this set or it's gonna be unrankable following RC rule:
"...between 4:15 and 5:00, the lowest difficulty of each included game mode cannot be harder than an Insane."
English is missing in tags, it's required to add according to RC
"Song genre and language must be added to the tags of a beatmap."