Hard and Insane diffs are WIP.
"Essential" Charting details:
- Pitch relevant whenever possible,
- Chord weight trying to be coherent with musical intensity
- Release weight is also a thing, trying to be coherent on this.
A few concerns and possible areas of improvement:
- Repetitiveness: This does not bother me because it is how the music is, and I feel like the chart respects it. Though if it becomes a hindrance to enjoyment, I'm ready to change things.
- Hands balance: Need to confirm this with playtests. For kiais, and a little bit for the drum part.
Both points go in pair, resolving repetitiveness is an opportunity to resolve hand balance and vice versa.
- Difficulty ramp up: The last kiai might be too much compared to the first.
- Timing: With 200+ timing points, there might be a few artefacts. Check is planned.