mapped by MrTerror
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The basic hitsounding logic is:

kick - drum-hitnormal
snare - soft-hitclap
vocal - soft-hitwhistle
cymbal - soft-finish

Below I will give a sample of how to make a proper hitsound for this set using your files. You can observe what sounds I used for each not and match it with what I said above. Something to be aware of is that for 00:58:440 (22) - I used a new hitsound drum-hitclap to represent something called a tom. If you listen carefully, you will find that this specific drum sound is in between a kick and a snare, and when you encounter this type of situation, you can use drum-hitclap or drum-hitfinish to distinguish the different level of drums. It isn't necessary tho, you could also just use treat them as normal kicks or snares if you want.

Another note is that I used custom samplesets in this hitcound, which makes the hitsound sound different from the default hitsounds. To do custom samplesets, you may look at the wiki for more information as I'm kinda lazy to edit a picture for all the steps.

The hitsound sample lasts from 00:53:584 (1) - to 01:04:682 (55) -.

For the volume part, you need to adjust the volume according to the intensity of the music. Usually in the most intense part such as the kiai, the volume will be around 85%, and in the most quiet part of the music, it could vary from 30%~60% depending on the level of difference.

Here is the file:


My writing with mouse is kinda ugly pls bare with me.
This picture tells you what my hitsound terms stand for in the post. Remember that if you used anything related to hitnormal and want to add an addition from another sampleset, you need to change the additions tab of the left to the target sampleset.

e.g. If you have drum-hitnormal as base and you wanna add soft-hitwhistle on the same object, the addtion tab on the left has to be on soft for the correct hitsound to appear.


This seems really tidious when I don't know where to put what.
I'll try my best to improve on it, so thanks for your guide!
It gives me a solid starting-point for my next projects! ^^

Marked as resolved by MrTerror