mapped by Castella
This beatmap was added to loved on 9 January 2024!
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Hi, I am from the project loved team! I am here to check your metadata for flaws before we can move this map to the loved section.

There are a few things you need to change before we go on with the process.

Title & Artist

I would say, be consistent with recently ranked versions.
So change:
Unicode Artist: HoneyWorks feat. かぴ
Artist: HoneyWorks feat. Capi

Unicode Title: 可愛くてごめん
Title: Kawaikute Gomen


Additionally, those tags can be added for better search-ability:

pop j-pop

かぴ can be removed since it's already in the Artist field.

That should conclude the check. Congrats on your maps passing the voting! ᓚᘏᗢ


checked everything and fixed it :D

Marked as resolved by Castella

I hope so
