it's up to you but could consider rename of hs sample (drum-hitfinish2 > drum-hitclap2) tbh it's not finish
"TV size is already included in title, so remove "tv size" in tag could add "toraburu" in tag
tbh there is a sexual things in the bg, so I think it's better to change the bg or apply for a content review.
the background includes a girl who's putting a pant that reveals the girl's genitalia itself explicitly. it's obviously NOT SAFE FOR WORK
would suggest to find new audio. the current one is not good
00:48:198 - would suggest to increase volume at least +10. Here is the highlight part of this song, but the volume setting is the same as other parts
thank God it's your last map. happy osu doesn't have to experience anymore of your dogshit pieces of flith you throw together
Thanks for your valuable input!
pissin poopin
here have my hype, now pls lemme go
Among us cock
Love the map!
thank you!
もっとTo LOVEる大好き