Overall hitsounding undergoes low quality.
It can be observed that finish is barely present to emphasize cymbals in the song, lots of missing kicks, kick + snare patterning is messed, volumes need to get worked on.
Here are some examples:
00:01:047 - should be a whistle as its the same hihat as 00:00:025 (1,2,3) -
00:01:388 - -> 00:09:570 - Could put more whistles to follow the melody as its being the main layer in the section.
00:09:570 - -> 00:19:115 - Each 1/1 must be a kick
00:18:945 - has to be a whistle, not a kick
00:20:820 - snare
00:20:479 - -> till the end - A lot of kicks missing (00:21:331 - , 00:22:695 -, 00:22:013 - , 00:49:797 - , 00:37:695 - etc)
00:08:292 (2) - snare
00:01:388 - finish; 00:06:843 - , 00:09:570 - , 00:36:843 - , 00:39:570 - , 01:06:843 - etc
Suggestion on volumes:
00:00:025 - 50%
00:01:388 - 70%
00:09:570 - 50%
00:20:479 - 60%
00:45:025 - 80%
01:01:388 - 70%
01:04:115 - 80%
01:25:947 - 70%
I would encourage you to remake hs or ask someone for help with those, because as for now the general quality is really poor.
If possible you may want to change some of the assets in the map:
The above all aren't major issues, but should all be fixed if at all possible.
Two metadata issues:
-missing so many hitsound
00:02:323 - bass drum
00:03:005 00:03:175 - bass drum
00:03:687 00:04:539 - bass drum
00:04:710 - remove bass drum
00:05:050 00:05:732 00:05:903 - bass drum
00:06:244 - remove bass drum
00:06:414 - bass drum
00:07:266 - bass drum
00:07:437 - remove bass drum
fix the rest of them by listen carefully to the drum in the music