previous (#25) <-- Beatmap #26 --> next (#27)/// « I ▿ II ▿ III ▿ IV » \\\This map was featured as a tiebreaker in 4K MWC 2022 Semifinals.
I studied abroad in New York. In the US, I discovered an ancient art of living.10 ideas to find balance in life:
1. Fuhgeddaboutit - Forget about it.
Holding onto thoughts that are no longer useful is poison to the mind. This phrase means "you need to let go" (but deeper).
New Yorkers understand this on a profound level.
2. I'm walkin' 'ere! - I am walking here.
Many obstacles block our path forward. This is known. But to whether life's trials, one must never lose sight of where they are going.
You are walking here, right now, in this moment. Let no one run you over with their car or bicycle.
BG by
poca_p0caThis song was custom made for Expert Global Taiko Showdown 2021. You can find the original map
BespokE : GTS 2021 album
Dedicated to
Unpredictable, who suggested me to map this song.
Check out [Crz]hinako1804's take on this song