there are a bunch of green lines on every diff but the futsuu that don't change anything and can be deleted (wherever you had sv changes for circles on tatsujin that you removed for lower diffs)
yea I just have it like that so it won't be annoying af when I decide to change notes. since it doesnt actually affect gameplay ill keep it like this untill I finalize sv tho
unsnapped kiais are not allowed (01:01:875 and 01:03:921)
To make sure that you apply sv correctly and also have a properly snapped kiai, i would recommend applying the sv at least 5ms before, then to have another green line snapped correctly for your kiai toggle (would recommend doing this every time you want to change sv and toggle kiai for an object)
funny metadata stuff:
title: The Nue and Morning Stars
artist: Silentroom
add these funny things to tags: ドンだー!世界一決定戦2021 donder! world championship 2021 ニジイロver.2021