✔️ ❌❔
Song Folder:
Hitsounds: ❔
-> Artist/Romanised Artist: 月見 静華 x LUNARiUM
-> Title/Romanised Title: Tsukimi Shizuka x LUNARiUM
-> Source: osu!mania 4K Chinese National Cup 2022
-> Current Tags: MCNC 4K 2022 GF TB tiebreaker _Stan [Crz]Alleyne Yueast 2018 Kuiiiiteeee
-> Some suggestions:
-> Final Tags:
On an unrelated note:
The current preview point doesn't quite match the actual core of the song so I'd suggest moving it to 03:27:379 - .
03:41:567 (221567|1) -
03:41:900 (221900|1) -
03:42:108 (222108|3) -
03:42:191 (222191|0) -
03:43:065 (223065|1) -
03:43:273 (223273|2) -
03:43:357 (223357|1) -
03:43:897 (223897|2) -
03:44:438 (224438|2) -
03:50:847 (230847|3) -
03:51:179 (231179|1) -
03:52:344 (232344|1) -
03:53:843 (233843|2) -
03:55:007 (235007|2) -
04:00:832 (240832|0) -
04:01:998 (241998|1) -
These are all unsnapped by 1ms, just click on them and they'll be fine. Make sure to check back once you're done just in case I missed something.
BG changed
Audio will be done later
HP 5 → 8
OD 8 → 8 (its not 8.5, i think its better to keep it 8)
Hitsound will be done later
General Post:
00:56:651 -
00:56:942 -
01:33:932 -
01:34:224 -
03:25:195 -
03:25:486 -
And so on:
These burst are one of the biggest issues in this chart.
They're incredibly hard and uncomfortable today and they feel too heavy compared to the actual melody.
This has been pointed out by my testers and I have also noticed this issue in the TB reveal video where Sillyfangirl (a player that is also known for their vibro skills) usually struggled in those instances by dropping numerous 50's and 100's.
I do not have particular suggestions for this because they would result far too weak compared to your representation but I'm going to ask you to nerf these heavily because they really don't match the melody while playing and they end up getting mashed directly, ruining the experience and creating a major difficulty spike.
well, so first thing is about intensity. since we (me) used 1/8 streams a lot for synth sounds before, and surely this drum is louder and intenser, it should be harder than ordinary streams, to better distinguish them. That's also what you told.
Apart from representation and the sound intensity, since in this map there's many 1/4 jack usage (and also 4-note-anchor one) and LN-Jack pattern, i think this is no longer so spiky.
General Post:
00:08:156 (8156|2,8156|3,8593|0,9030|1) - Honestly the gradual releasing of these LNs looks pretty unnecessary to me because:
Something going along these lines is
00:09:321 (9321|3,9339|2,9357|1,9375|0) - . Not against gracing these LNs at all but I do feel like saying that there is a potentially better way to represent this avoiding quirky 1/16 releases.
First off, I'd rather make 00:09:339 (9339|2,9357|1) - rice mostly for consistency but also because the piano sound does not need 1/16 gracing at all.
Secondly, would move 00:09:375 (9375|0) - to 00:09:394 - for the reason above.
To make it short, something like this should work (I also included the way I'd fix the earlier suggestion):
for grace thing, it already changed like #3895120/10450011
and the reason I keep as quad hold here 00:09:301 - cuz I wanna make a feeling of "whole" cuz the chord bass background, as you can hear it happened at 00:09:738 - too, that's why both them are quad-hold.
stair/grace like this 00:09:301 (9301|0,9319|1,9337|2,9355|3) - cuz I did "tik" sound every part jsut like I said before, so combined them all, I mapped the pattern liek this, hope this worked.
General Post:
04:56:505 (296505|3,296505|0,296505|1) - Would make the note on col 2 a 1/2 LN here, the synth sound is kinda evident here.
04:56:724 - Missing synth sound here actually. It would be better if you shortened 04:56:651 (296651|1) - To 1/4 directly since there's no long synth sounds here. It would need some rearranging too, something similar to this may be fitting:
04:57:015 - Note here was removed (ghost note, no synth sounds there)
04:56:797 - LN here was removed and the triple became a double since it was too limiting and there weren't any other possible ways to make this idea work
04:56:724 (296724|1,296942|3) - These notes became 1/2 LNs due to the longer synth sounds that they're supposed to represent.
General Post:
04:07:282 - -> 04:23:301 -
This section is also a big issue in this map.
There aren't many problems in terms of representation but surely there are many unjustifiable patternings and inconsistencies at times.
04:08:083 (248083|1,248156|1) -
04:08:374 (248374|2,248374|2,248447|2) -
04:08:665 (248665|3,248738|3) -
04:08:957 (248957|1,249030|1) -
And repetitions;
These minijacks are the main reason why this section barely results playable. Paired with A LOT of 1/8 release snappings which already contribute in making this part really hard to get a good accuracy on, these minijacks result really weird and also unintuitive while playing.
There isn't a specific reason on why they are there, nor I can see why, so I would suggest to completely remove them as they do not help making this any better.
About releases:
There are some kicks (represented as triples) that always vary in releases: any reason why?
Take 04:07:864 (247864|3) -
04:08:738 (248738|0) -
04:09:030 (249030|3) -
And repetitions as an example of unnecessary 1/8 releases.
Then there are simple 1/4 releases such as
04:08:447 (248447|1) -
04:08:156 (248156|3) -
04:07:573 (247573|1) -
Why is there such difference? No synth lands on these instances and I cannot really see them as nothing but unintentional due to the frequent usage of 1/8 bursts for the wobbly background sound.
I'd rather if the 1/8 releases were completely removed except in the cases I'm going to mention below.
In certain cases (generally after the 1/6 bursts) there are 1/8 releases for the last synth melody related to the burst (see cases such as 04:11:068 (251068|2,251068|1,251068|0) - ).
Regarding instances similar to that, the releases can be kept as is.
Everything I have said here must be applied to 04:32:622 - -> 04:37:282 - too.
04:34:551 (274551|1) - Is an inconsistent release though. Extend by 1/8.
So first this is not an accurate map but more like dump, using several notes to express some special synth or something. But actually here is more like music for pattern since I want to make it as hard as LN 14. I think using dump to explain this is still available. And the original mapping is for the tournament tiebreaker, I wish there could be no more big changes.
So it's dump, the releases are also not completely following the sounds. I just want to make it as full as possible. Using several special patterns (you can see some of patterns not containing jacks ) for several special sounds
Jacks are playable, at least I can play. Since it's 8 stars, I think this should be adorable when it comes to high-level players
But I must say the jacks you mentioned like 04:08:083 (248083|1,248156|1) - are unjustified and unbalanced. I will fix it.
Open AiMod and check all the unsnapped objects:
03:41:567 (221567|1), 03:41:900 (221900|1), 03:42:108 (222108|3)...
General Post:
03:35:534 - -> 03:36:699 -
03:35:534 - Avoid this polyrhythmic burst, use a 1/8. No rearrangements needed, you can simply follow the flow of the burst that came before.
03:35:801 (215801|1,215850|0) - This burst is pretty ambiguous, it's really different from everything else so I'd rearrange it to something like this:
I also simplified the burst on the blue line. Ignore everything that isn't highlighted.
03:36:117 - -> 03:36:699 -
This burst was mapped in a really complex way that didn't really feel nice while playing so I'd suggest a complete simplification of it:
From now on you can complete the kiai by either copypasting and mirroring this each time or shuffle the notes by always following what we said.
Here is an .osz in case you misunderstood anything:
The file containing this section has as difficulty name 'xz1z1z help'. It also has extra additions such as mapped buildups to not make everything repetitive.
Good luck!
General Post 1:
03:27:379 - -> 04:02:330 - This segment is the map's biggest issue. I asked pre-epsilon players to test this and what they mostly said is that it plays uncomfortable and that it does create a relevant difficulty spike that stands out in the entire chart. Although there are ways to fix this, the solutions I will list under this post are really gamechanging. Most dumps do not feel fitting while playing, since they get lost in a bunch of super high BPM bursts. Comfortability has to be improved drastically. 03:27:379 (207379|1,207428|2,207476|0,207525|1,207525|3,207597|2,207597|0,207670|1,207670|3,207719|2,207767|3) - This section can definitely have more comfortable outcomes. Shuffling some note positionings, you can have a pattern that does look denser but that does play better. Though playability here isn't my only concern but I feel like that the sound at 03:27:597 - can be dumped on the spot, like you did with the following instances. Something like this can work: