New approach.
Rather than mainly following strength(aka volume) of the song, it is mainly following tension of the song. (so basically same stuff i was doing past 1 year. but now has some stuff defined.)
so high tension low volume, -> low # of notes, high density.
i am currently researched two ways to make it.
1. make it Nkey-ish.
limit the notelane by holding LN or shifting lanes quickly.
(so like in the first measure, using 1,2,4,5,6 line for make it 5ksy-ish, and on the second mesure, use 2,3,5,6,7 line for make it 5key-ish.)
2. just make jacks and LNs, and brakets (and other hard stuffs too)
literally make it harder to read, harder to play.
but it dose not work well for skilled players. they will think it is empty.