HS mod
Missing finish in 00:00:231 - and you could add drum sampleset for the kickdrum as well.
00:01:260 - Drum-hitfinish for the tom
00:06:554 - ^
00:43:466 - Drum-hitclap for the hightom
00:44:201 - ^
00:44:642 - Drum-hitfinish
00:48:613 - /00:48:686 - Try normal-hitnormal for the ghost snare hits instead of the drum-hitnormal
00:49:348 - Missing hi-hat hitsound for insane diff, try drum-hitwhistle
00:53:172 - Missing drum-hitnormal for the kick
00:53:319 - Missing hitsound on insane, try soft-hitwhistle same for 01:04:789 -
00:55:378 - ^
01:00:966 - whistle in insane diff
01:05:672 - ^
01:10:378 - ^
01:11:848 - Normal diff missing whistle
A suggestion for your future hitsound diffs, but try to cover as many sounds as possible because sometimes your GDer might map things you wouldn't, such as the hi-hat in 00:56:995 - , just add a drum-hitwhistle there. Something similar also happened here 01:19:201 - with the drummer hitting the rim (which can use either normal-hitnormal or soft-hitclap)