mapped by Last Sonata
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 29 December 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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HS mod
Missing finish in 00:00:231 - and you could add drum sampleset for the kickdrum as well.
00:01:260 - Drum-hitfinish for the tom
00:06:554 - ^
00:43:466 - Drum-hitclap for the hightom
00:44:201 - ^
00:44:642 - Drum-hitfinish
00:48:613 - /00:48:686 - Try normal-hitnormal for the ghost snare hits instead of the drum-hitnormal
00:49:348 - Missing hi-hat hitsound for insane diff, try drum-hitwhistle
00:53:172 - Missing drum-hitnormal for the kick
00:53:319 - Missing hitsound on insane, try soft-hitwhistle same for 01:04:789 -
00:55:378 - ^
01:00:966 - whistle in insane diff
01:05:672 - ^
01:10:378 - ^
01:11:848 - Normal diff missing whistle


A suggestion for your future hitsound diffs, but try to cover as many sounds as possible because sometimes your GDer might map things you wouldn't, such as the hi-hat in 00:56:995 - , just add a drum-hitwhistle there. Something similar also happened here 01:19:201 - with the drummer hitting the rim (which can use either normal-hitnormal or soft-hitclap)


No preview point set in any diff. Make sure to fix this.


Current audio quality is good, but it seems it's the same as the ranked one if that's the case, make sure to credit where you got your files. While it's not a rule, it's very polite and good practice to mention when you get things from other mapsets.


Current OD progression goes like 3,5->6->9 . If you REALLY want OD 9 there at least balance the Normal and Hard to 5->7. For insane, AR 9 seems better to balance the slower sections with the more dense ones.


You downloaded a sample image instead of the actual full size image. Download the image from this link and replacing to improve the quality.

In case you want to credit background, mention this link, it's the oldest post of this image I could find.


Metadata: 1285049#1940569


o cara tem epilepsia, eu não posso esquecer




