Finally, somebody is making a map out of this song. Thank you for an awesome and fun map.
go rank ça
j'espère 🙏
Wtf my angel
warex when
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
_Ene is my favorite player
00:00:839 There should be a red tick here as all your important sounds and section transitions in the song begin on small white ticks instead of large white ticks
I put a new timing point and now every transition starts on a large white tick so I guess the issue is fixed?
I relate to that
this is really cool (i love poppin'party)
you are really cool (I love poppin'party too)
We love Poppin'Party ♡
Poppin'Party enjoyers the funny GIGACHAD emote
he will never be morbin Mario Galaxy : morbs : WHEN YOU SEE IT !!!!!!!!!! proceeds to sing Rita - dorchadas
Hype Beast