00:29:445 (1,2,3) - you could have these going in the opposite direction of the slider before, and on the right of it, so that it also flows nicely into 00:30:000 (4) -
Applied changes, thanks. The linear aim wasn't even originally there so it was kinda scuffed
Thought I should use a different kind of pattern since its 4 notes instead of 3 but the angle is pretty bad yeah, changed it.
It copies the last reverse slider shape because the vocal has the same rhythm and pitch, rather than the last slider shape. Unless I'm missing something here, I've never received a mod before lol.
i mean that you should ctrl+c 01:00:185 (4) and ctrl+v it for 01:01:111 (8), so that the shape is the exact same.
Yes, but what I did instead was ctrl+c 00:59:445 (2) - because the vocal has the same rhythm and pitch. Why should it follow 01:00:185 (4) - ?
I would lower the ar to 8.5 or make it ar 9
01:06:296 (1,2,1,2) - would focus on lyrics here
If you have any examples of where the ar doesnt match the map let me know, for now I'm leaving it.
Focused piano for the first two sliders and lyrics for the second two, in my opinion its better to follow the simple rhythm since the song is at such a low intensity point. This is similar to the break section at 00:42.