pro tip: the map will sound better in the editor if you use claps instead of whistles. whistles are harsh and loud while claps are... well claps
i tried using LetsEnhance but it works really bad on 8bit pics LOL, but thanks for the suggestion its an interesting site
the pic is resized now!
00:03:526 - I don't know why this uninherited timing line exists :( This would ruin downbeat from 00:00:267 as 4/4 flow one. There's no change of signature so keeping 4/4 is correct so this uninherited timing line should be deleted.
I will mark this as problem since barline thing is important on Taiko one.
i...cant? x.x i no longer know what to do here, if i remove it the audio starts to unsync at 0:18:420
Maybe you could add 'ザ ミュージック' and 'SCDC-00466' for japanese of 'the album' from album and album's code.
Making same HP Drain Rate for all diffs is not good idea. Since it would not be practice on Kantan ~ Futsuu diffs for beginner users, I think increasing into 9.5/8.5/7/6/6 would be better so people would not let just hit from 'Start + Main BGM' part and beat the map.
This is very nazi pixel BG modding but I think if you move BG 2 pixel down, the block would fit actual BG area 100%. Use this code
//Background and Video events
Metadata for Title =
BG Source is just from game yeah!
Official Soundcloud =
Also she composed musics for 'Bomberman II' . Proof =
00:03:525 to 00:15:166 - This section feels very repetitive in all the difficulties except Lenkon's Oni.
Futsuu uses only d d k, which could be mapped as d k k in places like 00:07:250 (18,19,20,34,35,36) for a more interesting map
In Muzukashii it's the same but for kd dk which could be kd kk in places like 00:07:250 (33,34,35,36,67,68,69,70)
In Inner Oni the same applies for kkddk, you have more freedom here so you could use kkdkk or kdddk etc in places like 00:07:250 (45,46,47,48,49,85,86,87,88,89)
The Kantan also feels repetitive (for all patterns like this 00:03:525 (7,8,9,10)) but it might be more tricky to adjust so it should be fine if you wish not to change it.
applied all these changes, i just hope i did them right...
also edited Kantan, thank you very much!
00:36:036 - Kantan, Futsuu and Muzukashii. This part is very inconsistent between these difficulties. In the Muzukashii it's a 3/4 length spinner, in the Futsuu it's two ds, and in the Kantan it's a 1/1 length spinner. At this OD, the spinner only requires two buttons to clear so I don't think it's necessary? You could just map it as some notes for all the difficulties. If you want to keep the spinner, then have it be consistently 3/4 length for all three.
i cant imagine a way to consistently map the last notes so... i went to make 3/4 spinners for the rest of the diffs, thanks for the suggestion!
Please use the timing meiqth has given you. I have checked it and I agree with the changes.
Currently the intro has notes that are too early, and the kiai is extremely late, this new timing fixes these issues.
Make sure you delete the original timing so there are no duplicates and ensure everything is resnappped also. Apply this for all difficulties.
new audio! this includes the title theme and the stage one theme, for a total of 36 seconds of drain time, just like you asked.
Now we have to change the title, because we have two songs in one.
Title: タイトル~スタート / メインBGM
Romanised title: Title ~ Start / Main BGM
(also I'm correcting myself, I told you previously the title was Title~Start but the correct translation needs a space before and after the tilde)
The "/" is used to separate the songs.
Offset is the same we used here #3109391
We have a problem here!
The song you mapped is the title theme, but if you do some researches you'll find out that the audio you used includes the beginning of the actual level bgm.
This is unfortunately not ok, because according to ranking criteria, every difficulty of a beatmap must have a minimum drain time of 30 seconds. Since the actual song is just 20 seconds you would need to cut the audio and only include the actual title screen song, but it wouldn't be enough for you to get 30 seconds of drain time.
Luckily I have a solution!
According to the ranking criteria, an audio file of a song should not be artificially extended in order to meet a time limitation in the beatmap section of this criteria, BUT This does not apply to song compilations or audio files less than the minimum rankable beatmap length. This means we can create a loop of the song, reaching more than 30 seconds of drain time :D
Since the level's theme is identical to the middle section of the title theme but really basic, I decided to take that middle section and put it again after the third and final section, just like when you go from the title screen to the actual gameplay in the original game.
old spectro:
new spectro:
as you can see, it goes from 128kbps to 192kbps, and if you listen it's overall a lot nicer and louder
this is where you can get it:
if the link doesn't work I'll send it directly on discord.
In addition, you need a new offset for this, and the current timing is not exactly right, so here's how to fix both offset and barlines:
00:00:267 - 129 bpm 4/4
00:03:522 - 129 bpm 4/4 (this is for a metronome reset, so that the barline will be at the start of each measure
00:18:405 - 129 bpm 4/4 OMIT FIRST BARLINE (this barline is just to hide the barline that otherwise would appear before the next section, avoiding a very ugly visual effect)
00:18:870 - 179 bpm 4/4
00:21:552 - 129 bpm 4/4
wooow, didnt know any of that, gonna try to apply those changes, also thank you very much for fixing the audio issue because i was really upset it sounded very quiet :'D
Now my only concern is that the main attraction of the track was the Track 03 (Main BGM, aka the song that you hear in the gameplay), which seems to be ommited in the new audio and replaced by a loop of Track 01, i dont really know what i should do now, do you think its possible to exist an audio with Track 2-3 and still being rankeable? or what do you think?
It's really hard to find a high quality gameplay screenshot of this old game to use as a background, however I found a really nice screen which is not miles better but it's surely an improvement:
(From 400x300 to 717x529)
im getting error when i try to add the png in the map, and when i try to download it i get a .webp file i cant load into osu, maybe the file is corrupted
Incorrect metadata! I'll explain everything
Artist: 竹間 淳
Romanised Artist: Chikuma Jun
The artist of this song is japanese so the romanisation is not enough, you need the original name too!
Why is it "Chikuma Jun" and not "Jun Chikuma"? Because of the common usage of literal romanization, you read 竹間 淳 as Chikuma Jun, even tho Jun Chikuma is more commonly used in western countries.
Title: タイトル~スタート
Romanised Title: Title~Start
I know this sounds weird, but this is actually the correct title of the song! Now you're probably wondering where I got this information, so let me explain.
In 2005 they released an official soundtrack including many tracks from the Bomberman series, with this exact song from the famicom game, which is the version you're mapping. As you can see from the official site of the publisher of the album ( track 02 called "タイトル~スタート", so this is the correct title. There's no official english translation, so we're just going to use common sense and use "Title~Start" because it's the literal translation, with a different tilde because of romanisation.
Source: ボンバーマン
For the source, you need the proper original name of the media the track comes from and in this case it's the japanese name of the Famicom version of Bomberman, which is just called "ボンバーマン"
Tags: bomberman nes famicom 8 bit 8-bit ost chiptune electronic video game instrumental the music lenkon
"bomberman nes famicom": english title of the game + the console this version of the song was released for
"8 bit 8-bit chiptune": speaks for itself, song is 8 bit so let's add two variations of that + chiptune, in order to make the map as easy to search as possible.
"electronic video game instrumental": for every map you want to rank, you NEED genre and language tags, in this case these three.
"the music": it's the rest of the title of the official soundtrack the track was featured in (Bomberman The Music, linked above)
"lenkon": the person who made the oni.
This should be everything!
wooow thank you very much! adding those changes rn! :D i didnt know there was an album for it and i though doing the "Title-Start" thing might look a bit weird so instead i wrote "bomberman", so i hope it doesnt look weird by replacing it with "Title-Start" x_x
Im guessing you want to rank this and if so you need a full diffset for it to be rankable