mapped by Plushsune
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01:47:680 (107680|2,107959|1,108239|0,108332|2) - I feel like these transition notes here take away from the impact of the separate minijack bursts by making this feel more consistent intensity than the song gives it.

I'd suggest just removing them (kind of a nitpick though, fully up to you)


02:06:686 - I think this hand should be moved down to just be a jump on the left hand, as within the song there isn't much contrast in intensity from the previous section to this one, and I think it would help bring these two parts together to feel closer to one idea


02:28:860, 02:29:605, 02:35:568, & other similar sections - A couple of these fast bursts have a different feeling compared to most of them (like 02:31:841 & 02:34:823), and I think it would benefit this section's overall structure (and each burst's playing feeling) to standardize how you map these bursts and keep it consistent

making them all like 02:31:748 (151748|0,151841|0,151888|2,151935|1,151981|0) and having a fast roll go towards the mini jack before it


02:42:835 ~ 02:44:605 - For hand balancing (and general detailing) reasons, I think it would be cool to flip this pattern to put the anchors on the right hand, instead of keeping them on the left hand.

It also emphasizes the very slightly different sound of this second half



03:23:270 - very optional silly pattern suggestions: I think a sillier ending with staggered releases would make the harsh cutoff in the ending guitar sound feel a lot more powerful

bonus silly point: one hand trill to emphasize the very wobbly guitar

