00:11:408 (11408|8,11408|0,11408|4) - why triple here? no extra instrument or melody is presented here. should be double just like before
00:14:499 Since you always split jacks in different hands in the previous section, I think it would be reasonable to apply it here as well. sth like this may work https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17798693/bae7 , it reduces the stress on left hand and it also forms a nice symmetrical patterning with the previous jack too
00:15:680 There's also a consecutive bass piano sound here that could warrant a jack, see if you wanna make the spread more noticeable by adding it like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17798703/f5bf (I also adjusted some notes prior to this part, it would match nicely with #3074210 but there's always another way to arrange this)
take the reference but crtl H the second part to differentiate pitch and not making right side too overwhelmed with 1/4 on the following part
00:18:862 (18862|3) - What about moving this note to col 1 (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10) so that it resonate with all these parts 00:06:862 (6862|3,6862|6,7044|5,7044|1,7226|3,7226|6) - / 00:09:771 (9771|3,9771|5,9953|9,10135|5,10135|3) - etc. If you apply this you can make a 1-2-3 roll at 00:18:862, this would maintain the left->right hand motion and can bring out the emphasis as well.
ss: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17798772/01b3
00:21:771 (21771|4,21862|2,21953|1,21953|3,22135|2,22135|0) - This bracket might be a bit too straining considering there's a fast alternating preceeding to it at 00:21:317 (21317|2,21499|2,21590|1,21680|2,21862|2) - . You could spread it a little bit to make it more balance overall like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17798790/f5a2 , the fast alternations+bracket (left hand) balances out the jack (right hand)
your screenshot provide a wider bracket use that will benefit the hand balance so gladly took it!
00:21:771 (21771|5) - moving this note to col 7 makes the entire pattern less clustered, and it reduces the overall tension.
00:22:680 Just asking to make sure, is this intentionally made as double to express the decrease of intensity or an inconsistency? If not then I think adding a note at col 10 would complete the pattern
If you apply this you might wanna adjust 00:23:044 (23044|8) - to col 7 or somewhere else that doesn't involve too much outer-columns trills.
00:24:317 (24317|4,24408|4,24499|5) - How about Ctrl+H these so that the jacks lie on the same hand? The jacks in this specific song and map isn't the main component and I think over stressing them with two hands is a bit difficulty overall. By ctrl+H them you also get to preserve the motif like this 00:23:680 (23680|2,23771|0,24044|2,24135|0,24408|2,24499|0) -, which I think its benefits would out weigh the tensions.
00:24:862 ~ some PR stuff
00:25:590 (25590|9) - could use col 9 to match with the chord at 00:24:862 (24862|3,24862|1) -
If you moved ^ this note then you'd probably wanna move 00:25:862 (25862|8,25953|6) - one column to the right, based on your idea of having minimal stacks.
00:26:226 (26226|9,26317|7) - This could also ctrl+G
00:27:044 - probably you can have at least one more note here, there's two notes from hyper difficulty for a bass synth.
and reference 01:13:590 - but it's up to you
so yeah feedback http://puu.sh/J9dIn/92279ab8ba.png
00:28:499 (28499|2,28590|4,28680|2,28771|0,28862|2,28953|4,29044|3,29135|1) - This is a very complex stream that requires a lot of finger independency, however I really liked your idea of encouraging the use of this type of stuff, so you might wanna give it a little more space by moving 00:28:680 (28680|5) - one column to the right (col 7) so that
check for repeated sections from 00:39:408 to 00:48:862, my mods from 00:27:771 to 00:37:953 should cover most of those as well. u can always ask for recheck as well owob
That includes: #3084254
01:14:317 ~ 01:35:408 Too, always ask me if you're unsure of something
the [135] pattern imitation for old 5k dp beatmania arcade or i can say simulating piano layout
i'll keep the style for now i like the way it play:>
00:30:680 ~ 00:31:771 Some thoughts here
This is a part with very intense chords, so how about making the stream at 00:30:317 less complex to show the differences? My idea is somewhere like this https://irone-o.s-ul.eu/gGtzSkfS, where you wanna use the Easy part to bridge the gap between two intense sections
Same thing could apply to 00:31:771 / 00:41:953 / 00:43:408
I feel like I'm not using enough general mods for this type of section-wide mods but uh whatever
00:31:226 (31226|4,31317|4) - Just to confirm, I don't hear any bass-melody that warrants this jack, is this a mistake because you didn't use a jack at 00:32:680 (32680|9,32771|5) -
00:34:953 (34953|9,35226|9,35590|9,35953|9,36317|9) - Ouchie that's a bit straining on the pinky. There's also a little too spacious on the right hand side so u might wanna move 00:35:226 (35226|9,35590|9) - to col 8 for better balance and reduces unnecessary anchors
00:36:408 (36408|3,36499|2) - How about moving these notes one column to the right so that it has
00:37:226 (37226|4,37226|3,37226|9) - why is this triple but not double?
Considering that 00:38:226 (38226|3,38226|6,38499|4,38499|5,38680|6,38680|3) - This pattern is symmetrical to the middle column, then how about moving 00:37:862 (37862|3) - to col 2 to match with this symmetricity?
Small nitpick
00:39:317 (39317|6) - Could move this to col 8 to avoid the trill + fill the empty column + make it more comfortable + ratio
00:47:590 (47590|3,47680|1,47771|0,47862|1,47953|3,48044|2,48135|4) - Patterns like these where you have a pinky-ring mini-trill followed by a change in direction is quite challenging, I'm consistently missing here.
Perhaps it can be eased up with something like so: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17890101/507e
00:59:953 (59953|4,59953|1,60044|4,60044|1,60317|3,60317|7,60408|7,60408|3,60680|6,60680|1,60771|1,60771|6,61044|5,61044|1,61135|5,61135|1) - You mentioned how this part is a intended break in #3063839, but this part in particular is really heaavy with its double minijack, they're even spread out on both hands and sometimes one hand - which make this even more inconsistent.
A solution is to reduce them back to one minijack, just like how you always do, besides I don't think both bass- and main-melody has this kind of sound to support double minijack, so sth like this would work https://irone-o.s-ul.eu/p63sX6NJ
the focus is still high pitch only and it work as a break mostly even the double stack it's still relatively low density so it works for me
01:06:317 consistency check, should it be triple or double? Compare this 01:06:680
01:07:044 I think this chord doesn't have an extra layer of sound like 00:19:044, maybe u wanna make it triple?
01:08:499 Why is this triple now, no extra piano chord sound here
01:09:590 / 01:09:953 / 01:11:408 / 01:12:135 why triple? same doubts as above, they're just main+bass melody
01:11:408 ~ 01:12:862
This entire section has a clear cuts in the melodies but the whole part feels too streamy, I think you can do a little more to highlight that by NOT omitting the bass-melodies at 01:11:590 / 01:12:317
The current expression feels too scattered and doesn't have clear focus, maybe you wanna rework this section a bit.
01:29:408 (89408|8,89499|8,89590|9) - ring jack followed by pinky note is another consistent combo breaker. Perhaps you can make it less technical by moving the note at column 10 to column 6?
01:31:044 - same
I think you can remove 01:30:135 (90135|1) - and 01:31:590 (91590|4) - to focus on the rapid rolls better. The fast singles already substitute for the intensity and I think using only single streams would shift to emphasis to the rolls better. The piano rolls also overshadowed the bass-piano quite a bit so removing these doubles would represent this thing better.
And it also plays better
01:34:135 (94135|3,94226|1,94317|0,94408|1,94499|3,94590|2) - This looks kinda yikes and requite a bit too much finger independency compared to other patterns in the vicinity, so what about moving 01:34:135 (94135|3) - to col 3 to make this thing look more intuitive and easier to hit?
You can use your own pattern as well
01:53:408 (113408|4,113408|3) - more consistency check, should it be double or single? compare to 01:56:317 (116317|7) -
01:53:862 (113862|8,113953|6,113953|9) - I assume you choose to not jack this because of the complexity of this section? Then what about this 01:56:680 (116680|0,116771|2,116862|2) - ? just asking to make sure here.
01:54:680 (114680|5) - how about moving this to col 7 to show difference with 01:54:317 (114317|5) - this bass-melody?
01:59:044 (119044|5) - maybe move this to col 7 so that the repeating rolls on the right hand is smoother and it would become more spacious and symmetrical.
02:02:862 (122862|3,123044|4) - Feels like you can ctrl+G these to make this 02:03:044 triple chord more brackety, just like the previous triples you never used a connected chord.