[metadata check]
Artist: Kamex
Romanized Artist: Kamex
Title: Lugia's Song Remix
Romanized Title: Lugia's Song Remix
Source: 劇場版ポケットモンスター 幻のポケモン ルギア爆誕
Tags: anime instrumental drum and bass d&b dnb d'n'b electronic electro electronica Pokémon The Movie 2000: The Power of One Pokemon Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā–Maboroshi no Pokémon Rugia Bakutan Gekijoban Poketto Monsuta Maboroshi no Pokemon Rugia Bakutan Pocket Monsters the Movie: The Phantom Pokemon: Lugia's Explosive Birth Lugias fantasy film movie
Source for Metadata:
not 100% sure about Artist and Title, need to find who's the orignal artist behind Lugia's Song
someone else plz help me confirm this
Might be completely incorrect but is it a remix of https://www.pocketmonsters.net/cd/view/18 Disc 1, Track 10 (惑星(ほし)の鼓動)? It is often said as Lugia's theme, I tried to search it in YouTube and it gave me this video: https://youtu.be/JdG2Hjy5tIo.
If it's correct, I believe that the artist for the original song is 宮崎慎二 (Miyazaki Shinji) if that site and Musixmatch are to be trusted.
Hopefully that helps ^^
so would this be correct?
Artist: 宮崎慎二
Romanized Artist: Miyazaki Shinji
Title: 惑星(ほし)の鼓動 (Kamex Remix)
Romanized Title: Hoshi no Kodo (Kamex Remix)
more tags would probably need to be added too
also i believe the 1st link checks out cuz the original context of this song (or at least the first lietmolif) is summoning Lugia, and the ritual is singing on an Ocarina
if this yt vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=613f11l495Q is to be believed as a fragment of the movie in question
I have no idea how the remix tags go (and you should definitely ask a BN instead of me) but if the original song's name is used, it should be as followed:
惑星の鼓動 instead of 惑星(ほし)の鼓動 because the (ほし) is referring how the first kanji should be pronounced instead of the normal way.
Hoshi no Kodou instead of Kodo because of the long o vowel.
Artist: 宮崎慎二
Romanized Artist: Miyazaki Shinji
Title: 惑星の鼓動 (Kamex Remix)
Romanized Title: Hoshi no Kodou (Kamex Remix)
Tags: anime instrumental liquid drum and bass d&b dnb d'n'b electronic electro electronica Pokémon The Movie 2000: The Power of One Pokemon Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā–Maboroshi no Pokémon Rugia Bakutan Gekijoban Poketto Monsuta Maboroshi no Pokemon Rugia Bakutan Pocket Monsters the Movie: The Phantom Pokemon: Lugia's Explosive Birth Lugias fantasy film movie The Heartbeat Of The Planet Kodō Kodo Lugia's Song Remix
After further discussion with the mapper, it seems like the remix is referencing the American version of this track, which seems to be called "The Legend Comes to Life" by "John Loeffler, Ralph Schuckett", will need further help with this
considering that we should now target the American version of this movie, should the Source reflect that too? by using "Pokémon The Movie 2000: The Power of One" and not the Japanese name?
The American version sounds a bit more alike than the Japanese one, if the remix is truly based on that one, the American metadata should be used as they have different songs although only slightly different.
Therefore I believe these should be used in that case:
Artist and romanized artist: "Ralph Schuckett, John Loeffler"
Title and the romanized title: "The Legend Comes To Life"
Source: "Pokémon The Movie 2000: The Power of One"
For the artist and the title: https://www.pocketmonsters.net/cd/view/75
For the source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon:_The_Movie_2000
(the source should have the colon imo even though the movie cover doesn't have them because of stylization)
add a preview point
in Editor, Timing -> Set Current Position as Preview Point
my suggestion is on 00:42:785
timing point should be offset 118, currently it is at 1452, which is 1 measure too late
add background source link(s) to description
while on the topic of audio, the yt upload has a link in description has an audio download without a clip at the end
will send a better audio on Discord DMs, bpm is 180, offset 310 maybe