ok, so im gonna just summarize some main problems because theres too many major problems to really consider going into detail with minor problems, so:
BPM + offset: the offset is good, but the bpm is ever so slightly off, which is the main cause of some of the timing related issues in this whole beatmap, because the band may not be going completely with a metronome, the bpm will be a decimal point, somewhere close to 97.856 will make this entire beatmap relatively timed
When scaling notes to this new bpm, a bunch of note mistiming arises, which will all need to be fixed
Chord usage needs to be kept consistent, even when dump mapping, the quads in the beginning are really random, same would apply to similar sounding sections of the song being mapped with similar patterning (e.g. 00:37:891 and 00:57:285 have different rhythms being mapped despite the sounds representing them being pretty much identical)
When dump mapping, be aware of any really long anchors like at 01:07:361 (67361|1,67512|1,67664|1,67815|1,67967|1,68118|1,68270|1,68421|1,68649|1), be sure that any anchors in streams like this don’t become overly long and/or biased on a hand, i usually like to try to keep anchors below 8 notes unless i want to musically emphasize something
Finally, sections as a whole should contrast in intensity with one another, 02:48:573 near the end starts to slow down and 02:53:270 moves from 1/4 -> 1/3 snap rhythm, yet the patterns do not change in note density
Dump mapping isn’t a bad thing as it can represent intensity in held vocals and express musical ideas in a different way, but theres still logic behind the structuring of dump maps, and that logic is what i believe this map lacks, i think you should look into other ranked maps with dump patterns and try to study and figure out what the mapper wanted to express at specific times, they tend to be a lot more sophisticated than you think
Good luck with future mapping!
Fixed, better dump/tech patterning + the jumpstream got better no anchors spammed and added some spicy but comfortable SV's