mapped by FLeVI
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 26 April 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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Offset of first redline-point is needed to change, cuz it feels not good on ALL difficultys. I proposal to use 00:01:718 - like first red line of song, cause metronome is feels more fully following to the song, than current. And feels more corrected. After that is need to correct the second red line and set it in "Kiai-mode" to 01:07:387 - and remove old one green line, that makes more sense. And set the new red line in 01:35:096 and after that - BPM is may to be feels more comfortable.


you need learn more about complexity music, many modern music will not put the strong sound in strong beat.

Marked as resolved by FLeVI