00:07:642 (1,2) - sounds are unique here so should be mapped in a unique way. you tried that by just curving sliders that way but its ineffective imo, too unnoticeable and doesnt impact gameplay that much. i suggest sv change + curveing
00:09:356 (1,2,3) - song significantly changes here but map doesnt, increase spacing or something along the lines
00:09:642 (3,1) - this sucks to play lol
like look at 00:13:785 (3,4) - 00:17:213 (1,2) - none of ur 1/4 spacing is this intense
00:17:927 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5) - visually cluttered, would move 00:19:070 (1,1,2) - away from this section of the playfield
00:34:785 (9) - changes rotation unexpectedly, should save rotation changes for 00:35:070 (1) -
00:35:070 (1,2,3) - gameplay sucks, hard to explain but i'll try
movement through 1 is clockwise, then movement to 2 is snappy and breaks the clockwise movement, but then movement from 2 to 3 is changing back to clockwise movement
so many rotation changes can be jarring, and if used intentionalyl can be a tool, but here it just stands out as bad to play
00:45:927 (3,4,5) - if you're going to hs everything here as snare increase spacing to match the intensity
00:48:642 (1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - very weak buildup, most of the difficulty here is reading since theres an unexpected whole note break
try more rhythm density of spacing
00:58:785 (4,1) - should contrast with 00:58:356 (2,3) - to represent vocal changes but map does nothing to do that
i thought of something like this
00:58:356 (2,3) - have lower SV and spacing to help emphasize 00:58:785 (4) - gonig back to normal
01:06:499 (1,2,3,1) - movement here sucks cuz the previous patterns are very snappy but 01:06:785 (3,1) - is flowy, which can be very jarring to play
01:07:070 (1,2) - should contrast with 01:07:642 (3,4,5) - for vocal emphasis but map doesnt do that either
01:11:070 (1,2) - honestly this one is a big nitpick but sliders are mirrored but have different hitsounds and thats kinda weird to me so make them all circles or something
01:13:070 (7,8,9,10) - movement between these objects is uncomfortable and doesnt flow well like so many rotational changes and awkward angles