mapped by Ska
This beatmap was ranked on 4 July 2022!
nominated by Quenlla and Furryswan
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Considering the layered normal notes for drum sounds at 00:36:271 (36271|1,36320|2,36369|1,36467|0,36467|3,36565|1,36565|3,36664|0) - , the similar drum sound at 00:40:171 (40171|0,40171|2,40268|2) - which has been simplified feels a bit unreasonable and inconsistent.

What if you change double at 00:39:976 - into single and apply intense trill or something like that instead of simplified mini-jacks?


the minijack simplification is to add more strenght to the harder sound ahead, making it a two hand trill would make the transition feel too light and ruin the impact of the chord, so I disagree

Marked as resolved by Ska

01:02:185 (62185|3,62185|2,62321|3,62321|2,62453|2,62453|3) - Esta transicion se me hace rara porque no noto nada en la musica que justifique el triplete, de hecho todo lo que se escucha (toms, guitarra, hihats, etc) son 4 notas en intervalos de 1/4. Al ser una transicion a 150 bpm se nota bastante que el ritmo como tal no es el adecuado, quizá querrías intentar algo distinto aquí


Como referencia en la mayoria de las transiciones parecidas o iguales se utiliza efectivamente ritmos de 1/4, e.g. 06:46:718 -


the 1/3 follows the recoil of the guitar and it isnt accurately trying to follow any sound, it is just a transition out of the guitar... using 1/4s would make the pattern feel unbalanced compared to the rest of the first half, as 1/4 jacks and longjacks are something the song builds up into for the second half which is why it feels more justified, so ill have to disagree



Marked as resolved by Ska

From 01:19:573 - to 01:20:170 - I think the hand balance should be biased to the left side a bit more. Considering the pitch and mini-jacks on guitar sounds, swapping the direction to the right side before the right-biased delay at 01:20:195 (80195|3,80236|2,80279|1,80329|3,80412|1,80461|2,80502|3,80602|1) - feels pretty random.

Consider moving 01:20:070 (80070|2) - to col1 (1234) for a better flow to hold the expression in instruments.


I see no reason to make any hand bias change, the use of minijack before the burst is to reset any use of one hand trilling motion going into it to better accentuate the stream pattern, if I were to put it in the first column it would make the transition feel light and awkward

Marked as resolved by Ska

wouldn't the current structure on the right side rather give a more hand trilling motion? I think the guitar sound itself should be expressed lighter in structure, considering the aspect of the same instrument's different intensities in overall.

Reopened by Furryswan

my intention is to make the pattern feel light, not the transition, making the transition light into a light pattern will not make it as impactful as making it go from a jack into a one hand trill motion

Marked as resolved by Ska

From 01:33:309 - to 01:34:492 - , in a nutshell, OH trill was too long despite the complicated growl of guitar sound. I think you should find an alternative way to emphasis this solo guitar melody while keeping the density(impact?) out from holding a long OH trill.


Here I completely disagree, the one hand trill for me does a perfect job at completely shifting the focus to the guitar and making it much more memorable than any fancy stream could do, the use of 1/5 is to make the speed neither feel too underwhelming at 1/4 nor too overwhelming at 1/6

Marked as resolved by Ska

From 03:58:698 - to 03:59:241 - I personally felt erruhhhhhhhhh confused since the saxophone's melody didn't really suit with this three consistent Hand-like grace on the same column. May I ask your intentions here? I feel like it could've been expressed with relaxing delay here.


because that's how the sound felt to me, felt like its going left right left which is what the graces do, while also feels floaty which is what the holds do, without the holds the pattern feels heavier than what im trying to represent, and without the graces it doesnt feel like it's moving enough, and to me delay wouldnt fit at all because it doesnt feel like a constant sound but more like a bounce

Marked as resolved by Ska

05:23:968 (323968|1,324043|1,324043|3) - Same as #3109544 , I don't get your intention at the mini-jack. This is the only one thing that caused a sudden intensity on structure but I bet that's what you wanted to do.

Still, in that case, I don't see any reason to apply a double here since applying two-handed trill was the thing you did when you wanted to apply some intensity all along. So I'd like to ask why you tried to apply a double here.


utilizing a ghost jump is no different from utilizing any other type of ghost note, it's both because just the single minijack not only wouldnt properly emphasize the higher pitch at which that sound ends, but it's also made for flow purposes as the hands would feel imbalanced without it.

the reason I did not use a two hand trill is simply because I've no reason to represent everything the same way, every sound is unique in its own way, and while I'm keeping a consistent motif for the most part, the use of one off patterns better represent the song, as nearly the whole song is an improvised performance

Marked as resolved by Ska

06:20:862 (380862|3,380931|3) - Personalmente no veo en esta transicion ninguna tension en la musica que justifique el minijack, queda un poco fuera de lugar a la hora de jugar

Entiendo que esto puede intentar representar el piano electronico del fondo, si es el caso yo simplemente moveria 06:20:931 (380931|3) a columna 2 o 3


Algo similar en 06:23:423 (383423|0,383493|0), el 1/6 minijack me parece bastante exagerado porque no hay nada en la cancion que a la gente le vaya a justificar esa tensión , esto deberia ser posible rearrangearlo para que como mucho quede minijack de 1/4

Piensa que a fin de cuentas 06:25:120 - es musicalmente lo mismo y como lo que hay es minijack 1/4


También podría ser interesante evitar 06:30:990 (390990|1,391070|1) - Also 06:50:510 (410510|2,410582|2) - pero importan menos por estar más aislados, hay muchos de ese estilo


No veo ningún problema con estos patrones aparte del hecho de que son poco ortodoxos y creo que ya es algo más de gustos, igualmente te explico. 06:20:862 no sigue ningún sonido en particular y es tan solo es una transición simple. Al ser una sección tan intensa, dejar un espacio vacío tan grande se siente muchísimo más fuera de sitio que al utilizar un ghost note, un jack 1/4 dura y ocupa bastante más, omitiendo completamente la sensación de vacío de ese parte, al usar un jack 1/6 el vacío sigue teniendo protagonismo, pero sin romper el flujo de los patrones.


06:23:423 y 06:25:120 tienen una diferencia de intensidad bastante notable, por eso mismo el de 23 es un patron mas intenso y el de 25 mas relajado, nuevamente no veo ningun problema con utilizar minijacks de 1/6. 6:30 también opino que es un patron unortodoxo mas de los muchos que hay a lo largo de la cancion y no hay nada fuera de sitio, solo que a ti tal vez a ti te haya causado mas impresion que los muchos otros


patas 06:50:510 otra vez comento que solo es un minijack de 1/6 y no he matado a nadie (te lo prometo)

Marked as resolved by Ska

a, english?


I was just complaining about the minijacks at said timestamps, feel free to elaborate if needed

Buleria buleria


06:52:851 (412851|1,412851|2) - Esto 100% snappea a 06:52:817 (1/2 snap)


no im sorry but the jump is snapped to the sax, making it a 1/2 makes it feel off and awkward, and Im not getting rid of the minijack as it takes a lot of impact from the stronger sound in the 16ths

Marked as resolved by Ska

te parto los dientes


From 08:07:843 - to 08:09:740 - , I think you had to combine a delay-like stream with trills heading to the right side than continuing the same shape of hand+jump structures to hold the expression of two different saxophone instruments. The intensity of drum sounds, which you might wanted to prioritize the most here was definitely not intenser than both saxophone sounds and I don't think the current jacky pattern had supported saxophone sounds even a little.


Just because I used chords doesnt mean I was prioritizing the drums, I've been using chordjacks to represent both the saxs and drums in unique ways the whole time, so this choice isnt out of the blue.

I am focusing on a single saxophone, and that is the one that standed out the most, I chose a repetitive and simple chordjack pattern because thats how the sound feels to me, it does not feel like wiggling my fingers, it feels like slammin the keys to some repetitive patterns without care about any complex rhythms

so I'll disagree

Marked as resolved by Ska

well if that's how it sounds to you then fine :p
