00:29:252 (7,8) - 00:31:593 (1,2) - 00:33:935 (1,2) - etc it might be beneficial to replace them with such rhythm https://i.imgur.com/Z8qzH6a.png in order to better emphasise the strong sound on the first beat, as well as properly cover the sounds on 1/4 beats as for now they are completely ignored while having no sound beats mapped
00:46:813 -> 00:50:910 - although trying to make a build up smoother is not a bad idea, I really believe that having this section to contrast more with the next ones would be beneficial for the overall feel from the map considering this is the less intensive part of the song. Another point to why I believe this part should be reworked, it is really difficult to catch the rhythm you are trying to build right now due to mapping some almost no sound beats and skipping stronger ones.
One of the possible solutions for this part in my opinion could be smth like this https://i.imgur.com/xaLkrse.png
01:04:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - since the rhythm in the map is already complex, i see no reason to keep those as just circles while having a space for creativity where we could emphasise the "kakakakawai" sounds with more interesting patterns and rhythms. Try grouping the first three beats and the second ones into different groups so there's a clear patterning behind them which would help to show the difference of sounds. My example on how this could be applied is below
01:25:154 (2,3,4,5) - 01:26:325 (3,4,5,6) - etc I believe it would be nice to group those by doubles in order to differentiate the stronger and weaker sounds similarly to what you have here 01:27:496 (2,3,4,5) - although it would still be cool if they had some difference in spacing to make stronger sounds look and feel actually stronger
02:06:423 -> 02:34:520 - the way you switch between overmapping and undermapping sounds in this part is really confusing, considering you do not really do this anywhere else. for example skipping 02:27:423 - while having 02:27:569 - mapped what repeats throughout the part. consider changing the rhythms in such spots to smth which wouldnt be either overmapped or undermapped
я не очень понимаю твой эмфасис в некоторых местах 02:53:251 (1,2,3,1) - почему этими объектами ноль спейсинга, а в 02:53:837 (1,2) - 02:54:129 (1,2,1) - 02:54:422 (1,2,3,1) - спейсинг есть, хотя в песне не меняется вообще ничего, все тот же снейр (который во второй части этого дропа достаточно хорошо выделен)
02:56:324 (2,1) - почему пустой звук, на котором почти ничего нет так сильно выделен?
сильнее чем 02:55:885 (1,1) - кик парой секунд ранее
02:53:251 (1,2) - тут эмфазис конкретно на св, поэтому будет лучше, если они будут вплотную. Остальное фикс
03:00:129 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - несколько халявно замапано тбх, 03:00:423 (6,7) - тут например звук значительно тише, но спейсинг тот же что и раньше
03:00:861 (1,2,3,4) - на четверке вообще звука нету, а спейсинг все тот же
03:26:032 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - весь этот парт довольно плохо связан с музыкой, потому что ничего не выделяется и спейсинг меняется с большой большой маленький на большой большой большой когда ему захочется, а не когда того захочет трек
03:26:032 (1,2,3,4) - к примеру почему тут такой спейсинг
что ты выделяешь маленьким спейсингом на четверке, песня не меняется
03:26:617 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - почему внезапно спейсинг из "концептуального" превращается просто в обычные джампы с острыми углами
03:28:080 (3,4) - я бы на твоем месте выделил это место как-нибудь
03:29:544 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - флоу из острых углов без причины переходит в тупые углы, которые совершенно по другому играются
да подправь спейсинг просто и для некого эмфазиса можно сделать кик слайдеры на таких саундах 03:28:080 (3,4) - 03:37:446 (7,8) - предварительно замутив слайдерэнд
04:49:008 (1,2) and 04:49:593 (3) - consider to swap the rhythms considering you have two noticeable beats on 04:49:593 - while having only one 04:49:008 - but having them mapped vise versa
05:03:935 - skipping this sound while mapping everything else in this part is very confusing and might cause missclicking on the next circle too early, considering the power of the sound. i highly recommend you placing a circle there or mapping it passively by replacing 05:03:788 (6) - with a slider
05:05:983 (2) - apparently the only place where you the strongest sounds of the song passively in this part, consider mapping them similarly to 05:10:520 (1,2,3) - for consistency throughout the part
05:19:447 (2) - considering the pause in music, it would be beneficial to remove this slider, thus this one 05:19:300 (1) - would have more contrast and would represent the music pause neater. You may also try shortening 05:19:300 (1) - for even better effect
05:34:666 (5,6,1) - дабла здесь будет лучше звучать, чем трипла. Предлагаю продлить слайдер 05:34:520 (4) - до 05:34:666