Some 1/2 rhythm selection kiai feels off.
Just following drum makes really monotonous rhythm, so I suggest to try following dominant layers.
the rhythm choices sound really vague and switching casually between vocals and drums in the chorus.
for example, 00:38:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - while 123 are for the drums, 4567 are for vocals. i cant really tell the difference between 45 and 67, and why the latter 67 should be 1/2 sliders. meanwhile 6's tail stands on a kick, which makes 4567 neither fit the drums nor the vocals.
id say if you really want to fit the vocals, simply putting two 1/1 sliders works well and intuitive on the other hand since the chorus consists of long, extented vocals, it's fine to just focus on the drums for most of the time. in this case, i would suggest somewhat like