i seriously enjoy the kiais!
the first 2 (00:52:554, 01:04:393) utilise the sparse finishers to give out that spacey feeling the song has, a minimalistic concept that represeiny the theme of the song without getting too dnese and without inflating the sr to au nreasonable level.
the third one (01:30:816.) idea, using a "normal"-er style of mapping to resemble the similar feeling while adding variety,
the last kiais (02:19:841 . 02:28:377) use the same firmula as the middle kiai, but removing notes and swapping pitch accpordinfly to account for the faster tempos and increased keys.
overall nice kiais!!!!! i wish to see more maps using these ideas and other innovative things in similar ways to this.
almost used char limit lmao
originally written on futsuu - timeline, but applies to all diffs as far as i can tell.
so reuploaded after 2m