mapped by Sotarks
This beatmap was ranked on 10 November 2021!
nominated by Sajinn and Xahlt
26 July 2024
Issue #2700742 by neone marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2708699 by myarmsaaaa marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2700823 by Dafiely marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2703212 by shinchikuhoe marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #3579126 by joes mom Susan marked as resolved by Sotarks.
10 November 2021
8 November 2021
Discussion #2708699 by myarmsaaaa obtained enough votes for kudosu.
6 November 2021
Issue #2703461 by -Keitaro marked as resolved by -Keitaro.
Issue #2702762 by gr3ycloak marked as resolved by gr3ycloak.
5 November 2021
Discussion #2700742 by neone obtained enough votes for kudosu.
4 November 2021
Discussion #2697174 by astoren obtained enough votes for kudosu.
3 November 2021
Discussion #2700742 by neone obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2700742 by neone obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #2700742 by neone reopened by neone.
Issue #2700742 by neone marked as resolved by neone.
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Xahlt (osu!).
Nominated by Sajinn (osu!).
Discussion #2697587 by Janeru obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699544 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699544 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2697587 by Janeru marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2699250 by Sajinn marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699250 by Sajinn obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699542 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699542 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699541 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2699540 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699540 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699539 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699539 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699456 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2699222 by Sajinn marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699222 by Sajinn obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2699456 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699455 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699455 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699216 by Sajinn marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699216 by Sajinn obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2699454 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Issue #2699453 by Xahlt marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2699453 by Xahlt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
2 November 2021
Language changed from German to English. (Sotarks)
Genre changed from Jazz to Rock. (Sotarks)
Issue #2697174 by astoren marked as resolved by Sotarks.
Discussion #2697587 by Janeru obtained enough votes for kudosu.
1 November 2021
Language changed from Unspecified to German. (Sotarks)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Jazz. (Sotarks)