00:13:565 (2,3) - 這邊縮短距離感覺有點奇怪 主要是因為00:08:962 (1,2,3) - ,00:15:610 (4,5) - 這裡你都focus在vocal然後做成一個跳
01:34:190 (4,5) - 01:34:872 (1,2) - These two stacking methods are the same, but the waiting times are different. Without any other discernible criteria, it may be difficult to read. try to move 01:35:383 (2) - position to make different DS
01:42:712 (5,6) - awkward pattern, could rotate (6) by 130° or just simply make the head face (5) instead of the tail. for example 01:53:621 (5,6) - this pattern here looks good
01:45:781 (6) - ^