Today I sniffed Remilia Scarlet's smelly foot, and not only is Remilia Scarlet a symbol, but also literally disgusting. Not so long ago, she bought new shoes (she wore the same shoes for 400 years) and chose them in a set with the "Watergate". In general, it's just not very often you see a person in a "U" T-shirt. In the end, like a stupid fat US burger, I decided to check this letter, depicting the letter "V" on my forehead, and ended up in the toilet. The letter "V" is a vagina. This is how Remilia Scarlet appeared in the closet. Then she stuck a giant club in her ear. There was a lot of pus. She made him lick the pus. This pus tasted better than potatoes. She also had eyeglasses, like an old panda. In the end, she took off her shoes and for a long time unbuttoned her striped vest, where you could see the beer belly. But I was wrong. I was very wrong. She ate Flandre. She ate the rest herself. Her body is like two decaying balls. In the end, I became a slave to the futanari vampire
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