mapped by pupu5
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bg is irrelevant, but there is no ''official'' bg added by helblinde for this remix either. i chose this bg because 1. it fits the j-core genre + the night mood for the song 2. song name :-D 3. proper bg artist source 4. i couldnt find any proper bg about the anime what could have fitted on this song

original song ost im not sure where the song appears but its not op/ed atleast

diff name still pending. i assume the anime is about anxiety and protagonist getting stuck in a virtual game world

vocals are indeed english, but i cant even understand a single word in this remix so thats why i set the osu site language to instrumental. you could also argue that j-core in the tags is misleading, but j-core songs doesnt always need to be using japanese vocals or made by japanese

free releases = helblinde's album name
emily bindiger = original songs composer
for your sounds = record company or something
a-remix nation vol. 4 = album name which this song has also been included in here 3rd last

all other tags not included in here should be self-explanatory
