mapped by browiec
This beatmap was ranked on 26 November 2021!
nominated by Karen and Andrea
26 November 2021
19 November 2021
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Andrea (osu!).
Nominated by Karen (osu!).
Issue #2728427 by Andrea marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2728427 by Andrea obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2728439 by Andrea marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2728439 by Andrea obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2728435 by Andrea marked as resolved by browiec.
Issue #2728432 by Andrea marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2728432 by Andrea obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2728430 by Andrea marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2728430 by Andrea obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2728435 by Andrea obtained enough votes for kudosu.
15 November 2021
Issue #2722564 by Solid- marked as resolved by browiec.
Issue #2722552 by Solid- marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2643937 by Solid- lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
13 November 2021
Issue #2716624 by Karen marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2716624 by Karen obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2716633 by Karen marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2716633 by Karen obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2716626 by Karen marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2716626 by Karen obtained enough votes for kudosu.
12 November 2021
Issue #2643937 by Solid- marked as resolved by browiec.
Issue #2643930 by Solid- marked as resolved by browiec.
11 November 2021
Discussion #2643937 by Solid- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2643930 by Solid- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
28 September 2021
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Nao Tomori)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Pop. (Nao Tomori)
25 September 2021
Issue #2626880 by Solid- marked as resolved by browiec.
Issue #2626305 by Mimari marked as resolved by browiec.
Discussion #2626305 by Mimari obtained enough votes for kudosu.